Dipping a toe in market waters however pleasant the temperature might be doesn't mean these two countries can counton private investors to keep them fully financed the day after they exit their bailouts.
This is reminiscent of the old Soviet style propaganda, which would spout the transparent opposite of the truth, and counton Soviet control of the media to keep the population buffaloed.
"Ulster's discipline was much better in the second half - they managed to keep their penalty count down and they were the dominant team on the pitch throughout, totally deserving of the win, " said radio match summariser Ryan Constable after the final whistle.
While he also talked of multilateral cooperation and human rights, he came to Asia to deliver the message that the rapidly growing export-driven economies can no longer counton the U.S. consumer to keep them afloat.
The defeated reform would have toughened enforcement against serial violators like Massey it had 515 violations in 2009 which routinely game the system and counton years of appeals to allow them to keep flouting the law.