Another one taxes businesses on the generators they keep to guard against power cuts.
Nonetheless, the United States will probably keep its guard up until Brazil establishes a clearer record in foreign policy.
ECONOMIST: Two American giants are slowly getting to know each other
But those interested in sailing frugally need to keep their guard up.
Second, private prisons sometimes have lower costs, if they can keep prison-guard unions at bay.
The 25 or so delegates are supposed to set up an interim administration for Afghanistan and, equally important, to decide what sort of foreign force, if any, should keep the peace and guard the distribution of humanitarian aid.
The Guard is helping keep people out of Cameron until it's safe to return.
It was challenged by a security guard who wanted to keep his gun in his home.
Nearly 140, 000 troops were deployed throughout the country to guard polling places and keep the peace, state-run VTV reported.
City responded through Emile Mpenza heading wide as he, in contrast to the game, was tireless in his efforts to keep the Reds defence on their guard.
Under a system borrowed from Germany, Japanese firms must appoint at least three internal auditors to keep an eye on financial management and guard shareholders' interests.
ECONOMIST: Japanese corporate governance: No country for old men | The
Yet Customs officials still need the assistance of the National Guard and local law enforcement officers to keep the traffic moving.
Instead, a bellman stood guard over the front entrance trying to keep the prying tourists away and nearly blocking my entrance.
"To keep it this way, it is important to guard every inch of land inside the park, " said Niranjan Kumar Vasu, the park's director.
Members of the Guard and Reserve also serve here at home, stepping in to keep our communities safe when emergencies or natural disasters threaten our security.
Major General LARRY SHELLITO (Minnesota National Guard): I think it was actually a deliberate policy to keep the American people as out of this as much as possible, so they're not inconvenienced.
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island imposed travel bans until 4 p.m. to keep cars off the road and let plows do their work, and the National Guard helped clear highways in Connecticut, where more than 240 auto accidents were reported.
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island imposed travel bans until 4 p.m. to keep cars off the road and let plows do their work, and the National Guard helped clear highways in Connecticut, where more than 240 car accidents were reported.
Robots will be able to guard your house while you're away, babysit your kids, or keep you company when you're alone.
Some have also taken life guard, first aid, food hygiene and swimming pool management courses so they can help keep it going.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Vandals threaten lido's future
During National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, let us pay tribute to the brave men and women who keep our Nation safe and celebrate their devoted employers, whose support is vital to the strength of our military.
The senior guard went 12 for 18 from the field and 5 for 8 from 3-point range to keep draining the energy from a home-state crowd wearing plenty of red.
This suggests that a better way to deal with enlargement fatigue might be to keep advertising the benefits of expansion (national governments must do this, as well as the commission), and guard the credibility of the process more carefully.