Where have you failed to keep a promise, say what you mean, or mean what you say?
Those who have lost their jobs are also wondering aloud why their government has so far failed to keep a promise to introduce a new unemployment-insurance scheme.
Forty of Sony's top executives, including Kazuo Hirai, the chief executive since last year, are to give up bonuses worth 30-50 per cent of their pay after they failed to keep a promise to return the division to profit.
Ashcroft says he expects Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) to keep a tax cut promise he made to Ashcroft and four other conservative senators, regarding upcoming House-Senate negotiations on a final budget agreement.
But I say to those voices: whether or not we keep this promise will say a lot about whether we are who we say we are.
Those companies have been lobbying for exemptions from the stock option provision in exchange for a promise to keep their offices in the city.
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Since Iowa is a competitive state in November, each candidate has a reason to keep that promise at the national conventions this summer when the 2004 nomination rules will be set.
CNN: David Yepsen: Winners make Iowa, New Hampshire look good
And since I know that the other side in Congress have promised they'll never raise taxes as long as they live, this is a good time to keep that promise when it comes to businesses that are putting Americans to work and helping break our dependence on foreign oil. (Applause.) So we should extend these tax credits.
The users said the site neglected to keep money safe, and has not honoured a promise to return lost funds.
The only way to rebuild consumer confidence in times like these is to make a simple brand promise and keep it.
But when I asked if this meant Defra would indeed keep Mr Benyon's promise to make a decision this year, I couldn't get a firm "yes".
In addition, a gold standard provides a transparent set of practices to keep the promise.
Let's hope he's not forced into making another apology for a promise he can't keep.
While a future Congress could, theoretically, bring the Accountable Care Act to an end, and while the Supreme Court may yet destroy part or all of the law before Perry needs to make good on a promise that he cannot possibly keep, the simple fact is that there is really no impact on the law that might result from such an executive order.
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That is a promise the international community cannot possibly keep, and so was perhaps unwise to make.
And she says that Mr Persson would have to promise to keep any parliamentary pact going for a full four-year term.
As one African delegate explained it to me: "if you make a legally-binding promise, you should keep to it".
But innovations like the iPod and a new partnership with chipmaker Intel promise to keep the company vital and relevant.
Though the buffet was a special occasion, the chefs promise to keep at least one insect dish on the menu at all times.
LaunchPad central shows great promise in terms of helping a startup team keep track of their business model canvas as it evolves based on your hypothesis, keeping track of customer contact as you get out of the building, and providing a way to engage mentors and advisors in the process.
The company's iPod music players are flying off the shelves, and the debut of a color screen "iPod Photo" and a specially licensed iPod for the band U2 promise to keep things moving.
But outside of providing him with a brick wall for an offensive line, any promise to keep the signal caller healthy should be taken with caution.
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All promise much the same thing: a velvet rope to keep out the attitudinally unwashed, serendipitous interaction, quirky content and at least the illusion of egalitarian elbow-rubbing.
When an individual, company or government has a good credit rating, we are saying that we trust they will keep their promise to pay off their debts in the future.
Surveys in America show that, on average, younger members of a 401(k) plan tend to keep a large chunk of their plan assets in equity funds, which are riskiest but also promise the highest returns over the long run, and that members switch into less risky bond and money-market funds as they get older.
If you mean to finish a project before the end of the month, make the promise, and then keep it.
The UK government had previously said that it would look at the funding formula if the assembly could deliver a successful referendum result - a promise the first minister would be urging the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition to keep.
As a country, we promise to stand beside our public safety community and do our part to help keep America safe and secure.