We have made an enquiry about a player that is not available but we'll keep looking.
Well, George, we're going to certainly keep looking at this case, and I know you will.
Meantime, expect Congress and the IRS to keep looking for tax cheats in offshore havens.
What makes a person stand out now is the ability to look and keep looking.
Every morning on our way to work, I keep looking over my shoulder for fear I'm being followed.
Which only means, depending on the rating they give it, 'Let's keep looking.
By engaging employees in the recycling effort, the data also helps motivate factories to keep looking for creative solutions.
Hopkins will keep looking for one more big fight on HBO or Showtime.
Unless you are passionate about what you do, keep looking and keep building up your resources to chase your dream.
We keep looking for and finding new ways to keep you informed and entertained about all aspects of leadership all the time.
FORBES: Leadership Highlights of the Week: All About Innovation - Forbes
If you reach a dead end, or do not have the time or inclination to keep looking yourself, there are companies like Ancestral Footsteps.
For everyone else: until RIM can deliver a truly modern experience and bring developers to the table, I suggest you keep looking .
He says all seven musicians on the search committee wanted orchestra management to keep looking for a new conductor, but they were outvoted.
"When I go back to Cuba, I keep looking for that cigar, " says Parisi, quick to add that he never trades or resells them.
The decision to scrap the new drug means that researchers who hoped for a chemical fix for heart disease will have to keep looking.
Progressives need to keep looking to civil society to affect change.
"It's not about now, it's about four weeks' time and beyond, so we'll keep looking and we'll keep making sure we get the right one, " he said.
The partnership is likely to continue paying off for both companies, with Creed saying Taco Bell plans to keep looking for new Doritos flavors for its tacos.
This is a seriously good wine, the kind of wine that you keep looking at the back of the bottle to be sure you read that price correctly.
"We are just going to keep looking, " he said.
BBC: Edward Gillespie search team to carry on after body find
We have a lot of material to go through, so until we've completely got our arms around this we're going to assume that we have to keep looking to flesh out this scheme.
Instead, keep looking for solutions, even partial ones: get a roommate, sell the car, pare down basic expenses, investigate a short sale, ask if you can move back in with the folks.
If someone is going to interact with others while driving it seems obvious that hands-free Google Glass communication will be safer than texting, as it allows you to keep looking forward at the road.
Expanded unemployment-insurance benefits encourage some workers to keep looking for a job rather than drop out of the workforce altogether, adding perhaps half a percentage point to the unemployment rate, according to the Fed.