What's more, it ensures that Mr Salmond and his ministers will keep right on top of the problem.
But really, the ones who did it will keep right on doing it.
The dreamers will have to keep right on working productively instead.
Wherever the stock market may journey, U.S. output of silicon logic gates, lines of software code, terabits of Web traffic and base pairs of genes sequenced is going to keep right on growing.
It's on kind of shabby street of boarded windows and graffiti, the kind of street that if you drove onto this and didn't know what it was, you'd probably keep right on driving.
If we keep getting the right kids in, keep getting them the right international experience and coaching and training camps, I don't see why we can't keep going from strength to strength.
BBC: Great Britain amateur boxers praise coach Rob McCracken
The not so secret to gaining brand advantage is to be the first-to-do-it right and to keep it right by way of innovation and continuous assessment of what consumers find meaningfully different.
"If I keep doing the right thing, keep doing what has helped me in the West Indies, I think I can do it again and again, " said Kaif.
Always keep your right hand free so that you are free to shake hands.
That's why we have traditionally created checks to keep the right balance of power.
And I'm able to keep up right now in my off hours between the paying day job.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
Congress can keep negotiating right up to December 31st, but beyond that the government will run out of money.
"It's important you keep the right balance within the game, " he said.
"I keep myself right at the (professional) level, in case somebody feels froggy and says, 'I think I'm going to whup the old man, '" he says.
CNN: The end game: How sports stars battle through retirement
McCourtney, works to keep the right balance, but the pressure is building on the New York-based firm to overhaul itself and act more like its Silicon Valley outpost: hasty and brazen.
We didn't have to change our usual or "traditional" finger positioning, meaning we were able to keep our right thumb in the bottom left corner of the pad and use our index finger to navigate. (Even if our thumb moved slightly up on the pad it still worked.) Best of all, while using that finger positioning we rarely zoomed in on something by mistake.
ENGADGET: The Windows PC ClickPad finally improved? Synaptics ClickPad IS Series 3 preview
But today, after decades of effort by gun rights activists, the court declared the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right aimed, at the very least, at citizens protecting home and hearth.
You just have to keep working hard to get it right, and keep listening to the physios.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | Internationals | O'Driscoll content with recovery
If he can do all of that, right, you can do a little something to keep yourselves moving, right?
"Most everyone just tries to keep to themselves right now, " Terry said of the atmosphere there.
So long as the economy keeps charging ahead and the right keep fighting among themselves, Mr Jospin may feel sanguine enough.
But despite the risks - having that sea view day-in, day-out is what Ms Neirop-Reading says will keep her going right until the very end.
With every immaculate swing, Cano is making it all the more important that they keep getting this right, because Boras is unlikely to give them a discount.
Adjudicator James Richardson said, after viewing CCTV evidence, he was not satisfied the evidence demonstrated the appellant "as she approached was given sufficient or adequate opportunity to understand she had to keep to the right".
BBC: Bath bus lane fines could be refunded after tribunal ruling
"But on a whole range of issues there is a sense that if we keep on the right partnerships, evolving the health services and making the changes in the right way, we will get there in the end, " he said.
The sort of democracy that would now allow Leanne Wood, the leader of Plaid Cymru, to keep to her word and fight for a constituency seat in 2016, but - just in case - keep her name right there at the top of the regional list.
But sports fans have plenty to keep themselves busy right now with the baseball playoffs, college conference realignment and all things NFL. Football (both college and pro) has grown in stature to such a degree in the U.S. that the NBA gets scant attention in the fall anyway from most sports fans.