"All small-community based organizations doing youth programming are struggling just to keep the doors open, " she said.
Was Russell going to keep the doors open to her off-Broadway theater complex in the face of this massive storm?
In pro forma projections he and Webb had figured it would take 20 to 30 blowouts a day to keep the doors open.
FORBES: Drybar: How One Woman And A Hair Dryer Became A $20 Million Operation
Online networking can help keep the doors open and communication flowing.
Knowing the President would take advantage of any Senate recess to appoint his choices to the board through his constitutional power to make recess appointments thereby putting the NLRB back into action Republican members of the Senate sought to technically keep the doors open by gaveling sessions in and out every few days, even though there were no senators around and no business was being transacted.
Most, but not all, leaders at the summit called on the EU to keep its doors open to those on the outside wishing to join.
Yet even so, the president and the Senate's "Gang of Eight" insist: the United States must continue to keep its doors open to the least skilled and ought to actually increase its total immigration intake, as well as granting legal status and eventually citizenship to the present illegal population.
Petrobras has elected to keep its doors open in the Islamic Republic, and it also has an office in Houston.
Besides, for many people, stripping philanthropy of sentimentality defeats the purpose: It is tremendously gratifying to most people to visit a new school facility that their money helped build or to tour a woman's shelter that wouldn't be able to keep its doors open without the donor's financial support.
WSJ: The New Science Behind Philanthropy | WSJ.Money Summer 2013
So we tried to fill that void as the banks were getting well, making sure the small businesses could keep their doors open.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks with Virginia Families on the Economy | The White House
This attempt is bound to be opposed by non-profit organizations everywhere who are dependent more and more to private contributions to keep their doors open and serve the public.
That means getting small businesses the loans they need to keep their doors open and hire new workers.
Their most telling gripe: If the Fed had opened the discount window to the investment banks on Thursday, March 13, instead of Monday, March 17, might Bear have been able to get the transfusion it need to keep its doors open?
Small businesses could be prevented from getting the resources and support they need to keep their doors open.
We have to fix this problem so that our doctors can get paid for the life-saving services they provide and keep their doors open.
We want to continue this tradition and make it possible for small businesses to keep their virtual doors open, so that they can compete in the marketplace, grow into bigger businesses just the sort that should be subject to the Marketplace Fairness Act.
We made tough decisions to make sure that credit was flowing again to businesses large and small, and they could keep their doors open and start hiring again and make investments again in the future.
It was the right thing to do to give loans to small businesses to keep their doors open -- more than 2, 400 right here in Ohio got small business loans, because of the Recovery Act, because of the work that these guys did.