For the same reason, everyone wants to encourage Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania to keep on the path towards membership (Albania is going to take a while).
But the fact that the Fed failed to announce nominal income growth as its official target (focusing instead on interest and inflation rates) made it more difficult for the Fed to keep the economy on this path during the financial crisis.
Through the G20, we have partnered with emerging countries to keep the world on the path of recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
This is the state that first believed in our campaign. (Applause.) When all the pundits had written us off, when we were down in the polls, this is the state that inspired us to keep on going, even when the path was uncertain.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks about Health Reform in Iowa City
"Walkers using the South West Coast Path are advised to keep to the designated route and stay away from the edge, " he added.
Along the trail, was a marker, an arrow pointing to the right direction (attributed to Brigham Young), to help keep the wagon trains on the right path.
If the Ravens set the edge and keep Kaepernick in the pocket, it is a harder path to victory.
FORBES: What Are The 49ers' Weaknesses Heading Into The Superbowl?
But if flexibility-with-direction can simultaneously keep Indonesia together and put it on the path to a genuine democracy, la India, Wahid--and the world--will enjoy a momentous success.
The path we're offering is to keep investing in wind and solar, clean coal technology, and make sure farmers and scientists are harnessing new biofuels to power our cars and our trucks. (Applause.) Let's put construction workers back to work rehabbing and retrofitting buildings and factories so they waste less energy.
Even if doctors could tell which patients' livers were already on the path to recovery, they would still need to keep those patients alive long enough for the liver to return to form.
If tax rates are raised, politicians will expand the welfare state to consume anticipated revenues and keep federal spending on a commensurately high spending path.
The EU, a club of Western liberal democracies, has struggled recently to keep some of the bloc's newer members on what it considers the proper legal path.
If you have been traveling along the pale gray path and are not ready to dive headlong into Technicolor, keep your pale gray canvas and add some cheer to it.
If you live anywhere along the path of Hurricane Irene, you may be anxious to know what actions authorities are advising to keep safe over the next few days.
FORBES: NY Times Dropping the Paywall for Hurricane Irene News