He ploughed straight into Mr Mort, knocking him onto his bonnet and then onto the kerb.
Milan's city fathers are trusting that most kerb-crawlers will pay fines on the spot.
Witnesses said the victim was riding close to the kerb and was wearing a high visibility jacket.
She was offered a driver's improvement scheme instead of being prosecuted, but mounted a kerb during the course.
She claims she hurt her wrist and leg by tripping on a kerb.
Three kerb crawlers have been arrested by West Midlands Police using new legislation which came into operation on Monday morning.
Ponnuthurai Nimalaraja, known as Nimal, fell to the ground and hit his head on the kerb on 9 June at Gypsy Lane.
The Criminal Justice and Police Act gives police the power to arrest kerb crawlers and force them to give fingerprints and DNA samples.
In between crossing each road, pedestrians must wait on the paved area in the middle which is surrounded by a 3in raised kerb.
Deputy Derham says when motorists have no option but to mount the kerb, they can do so - as long as they are careful.
Ponnuthurai Nimalaraja, 41, known as Nimal, fell to the ground and hit his head on the kerb on 9 June at Gypsy Lane, Leicester.
"I think the kerb was fairly visible - as visible as any kerbs on the road she had already walked over to get here, " he said.
BBC: Norfolk police officer sues garage after trip on 999 call
It stated she tripped on a kerb and fell while walking towards a gap in the fencing near a jet wash, in order to access the rear of the premises.
Her solicitors said she tripped on a kerb and fell while walking towards a gap in the fencing in a poorly lit area, while trying to access the rear of the premises.
BBC: Norfolk kerb trip PC Kelly Jones 'claimed against force'
According to the government's report, some of the country's biggest brokers were buying shares on the floor of the stock exchange and selling them on the kerb, where prices were generally 20% higher.
Advocate depute Alex Prentice QC, prosecuting, said her neighbour, Steven Morris, had to jump for his life as the skidding car hit the kerb as he returned home from a local chip shop.
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While the challenges in New York are daunting, the 9, 700 communities in America with kerb-side recycling programmes are making considerable progress in providing this relatively new public service in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Drive past a crossroads early in the morning, and you will see Afghan day-labourers sitting on the kerb, waiting for bosses with pick-up trucks who will set them to work shelling pistachios or humping carpets.
The soldier running in the distance, the graffiti on the crash barrier (something Graham did not see until in the darkroom), the broken lights, the posters placed high on the lamp posts and the flagstones removed from the kerb.