Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Bacon, Nicholas Hoult and January Jones also starred.
BBC: Peter Dinklage signs up for X-Men film
So let's do the postmortem and guess what contributed to the low sales more: high prices, a half baked product or ads featuring a hairy-legged TV and Kevin Bacon?
ENGADGET: Logitech's 'disappointing' Q4 results not helped by poor Revue sales; will cut price to $249
Twenty-five years later he is still shrouded in dreams and terror, and his two friends, Sean (Kevin Bacon), a homicide detective, and Jimmy (Sean Penn), an ex-con who runs a corner grocery, still feel the shame of not helping him.
NEWYORKER: Mystic River
Kevin Underhill is a partner at Shook, Hardy and Bacon L.L.P and the author of the popular legal humor blog Lowering the Bar.
With Kevin Costner as New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, Sissy Spacek as his wife, Gary Oldman as Oswald, and an all-star cast of witnesses and conspirators: Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pesci (an abominable performance), Donald Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, Jack Lemmon, Ed Asner, John Candy, Walter Matthau.