Intense campaigning in the Keystone State continues amid questions about whether Michigan and Florida will hold primaries that count.
Santorum is basing his campaign's future on winning Pennsylvania when the Keystone State holds its primary on April 24.
Jay-Z and Alicia Keys may soon be in a Keystone State of Mind.
Though Bush prevailed on the national level, four years later Republicans have their sights set on taking the Keystone State.
The Keystone State still primarily comprises rural white, working-class voters, the same ones who propelled Ronald Reagan to victory in 1980 and 1984, and freshman Sen.
His latest TV ad features not the president, but the popular Republican congressman Joe McDade who is retiring after 36 years of representing the Keystone State's 10th congressional district.
Back in the Wolverine State, he and the Keystone Initiative have begun testing half a dozen additional checklists to improve care for I.
For example, the State Department concluded that if Keystone XL is not built, oil sands production will be diverted to other markets (such as China), and the refineries in Texas will continue to process bitumen apace from offshore platforms.
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One of the things that delayed or postponed this process had to do with the opposition of the Nebraska Governor and others in that state to the route that Keystone was proposed to take, the pipeline was proposed to take.
If the State Department caves in and rejects or delays Keystone XL, it will be seen as a major victory for the environmental lobby and an embarrassment for Ottawa.
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Other options than the Keystone XL pipeline could be worse for climate change, the state department said.
Now that his State Department has decided to withhold approval for the Keystone XL pipeline that would have delivered millions of barrels of Canadian crude along with tens of thousands of jobs, a likely alternative is to transport that oil via the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad.
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The State Department is expected to make a final decision on Keystone XL this fall.
FORBES: Liberal California Politician Holding Oil Sands Hostage
Additionally, the State Department just recently affirmed that there would be minimal environmental impact from the proposed Keystone Pipeline project.
First of all, on the Keystone Pipeline, you have said and others have said that this is a decision that the State Department would make.
The Keystone project is being reviewed in a process that was established through many decades of precedent at the State Department.