Her mother felt justified because her daughter was competing in a kiddie beauty pageant.
Do we honestly believe that kiddie beauty pageants are good for young girls?
Now the kiddie hours are cluttered with more brand names than you see at a mall.
Also, empty standing water from buckets, kiddie pools and other places to discourage mosquito breeding.
Last year, Congress broadened the kiddie tax to apply to children under age 18, up from 14.
The kiddie tax doesn't just tax rich kids--it taxes all kids who save and invest their money.
He can get out of the kiddie tax and claim an exemption and standard deduction for himself.
This year, Congress extended the "kiddie tax" to apply to children through age 17, up from 13.
Many of us remember, the JonBenet Ramsey exposure to the kiddie pageant world that had devastating results.
Within just a couple of years we thought we'd seen it all when it came to kiddie-travel nightmares.
WSJ: Diana Abu-Jaber on Traveling with a Toddler | Traveler's Tale
The producer is dismissive of jukebox musicals and what he terms "kiddie musicals".
After getting complaints from management about things like her kiddie pool and Christmas decorations, she feels unwanted in the community.
But under the proposed provision, a child would have to meet a separate "earned" income test to escape the kiddie tax.
The report also said another one of the women, Amanda Berry, was forced to give birth in a plastic kiddie pool.
One reason is the kiddie tax, which limits the tax benefit from parking investment assets in the name of a low-bracket minor.
Moreover, the provision in the war funding bill would create a tougher test for families to get out of paying the kiddie tax.
For La Petite's new owner, Australia's ABC Learning Centres, it's another step in cementing its title as the worldwide king of kiddie care.
The kiddie tax expansion "is going to be in a tax bill this year, " says Todd Steinberg, a tax lawyer in McLean, Va.
But Section 127 benefits, kiddie Roth accounts and stock handoffs should wait until the student is out of range of the aid officers.
Ipods, cameras, and cell phones seem as ubiquitous among the kiddie set as were Legos, slinkies, and camera-free Barbie dolls during my childhood.
New "kiddie tax" rules provide that children are taxed at their parents' higher tax rate through age 18 or age 23, if they're full-time students.
Some of the robots dreamed up by Fudd (who, not entirely coincidentally, is studying mechanical engineering and architecture at MIT) are anything but kiddie projects.
She earned the top spot for public awareness, received more blog mentions than any other Tinseltown kiddie and was referenced in more than 1, 300 news articles.
And for those who suspect the Klezmatics are trivializing Hanukkah with kiddie stuff or secularizing it like it was Christmas or something, the longest song is educational.
In the legislation, the kiddie tax is considered to be an offset provision for tax breaks given to small businesses, but there is more to the story.
Troy Onink, a contributor to Forbes and an expert on the intersection of tax planning and college aid planning, looks at the kiddie employment angle here.
Between the popcorn flicks and the kiddie stuff and the art films that need to open before December 31 to qualify for the Oscars, it's madness, I tell you, madness.
As Bill Kurtis, a longtime Chicago news anchor, began calling out numbers, the players let out a combination of groans and yelps as they used kiddie animal stampers to mark their sheets.
La Petite's new owner, ABC Learning Centres, may be the worldwide king of kiddie care, but it knows that the battle for the country's 20 million children under age 5 is just beginning.