Penalties for kidnapping, theft and white-collar crime were also toughened, with longer jail terms prescribed.
Senior defectors confirmed that Turkish authorities last week thwarted a planned kidnapping of Col.
Twenty-five people were arrested in 2009 over the kidnapping of some 16 wealthy Bulgarians for ransom.
Paktiawal is suspected of having run a kidnapping ring when he was in an earlier post.
Castro, 52, is charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape.
However, there was nothing to suggest this was the case in this kidnapping, he added.
Ariel Castro was charged Wednesday with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape.
The two other Castro brothers, Onil and Pedro, weren't charged in the kidnapping case.
During my kidnapping, I lost my entire identity and couldn't remember my real name.
At a news conference, authorities would not discuss the circumstances of their kidnapping and captivity.
Mr Gomez was arrested in 2008 and charged with kidnapping, extortion, rebellion and giving false testimony.
If someone disappears and no ransom call comes, should it even be called kidnapping?
He was convicted of multiple counts of kidnapping, criminal threatening and false reports of explosives.
Italian authorities last year indicted 26 Americans and five Italians for kidnapping in the case.
And four of his officers are being held, as well, in connection with the kidnapping.
We condemn his kidnapping in the strongest terms and call for his immediate release.
New Jersey State Police accused Mendez, 42, of kidnapping and the false imprisonment of Duran.
Many Arab politicians and intellectuals have denounced the kidnapping and killing of civilians as un-Islamic.
Kidnapping--a hideous activity now more likely to occur in Brazil and Mexico--has declined about 90%.
After the 1932 abduction and murder of Charles Lindbergh's baby, kidnapping became a federal crime.
Cyber-attacks on financial accounts and kidnapping and ransom can be additional concerns for the wealthy.
He had no other details on his condition or who was responsible for his kidnapping.
Saeed is one of 11 suspects on the prosecution's charge sheet in Pearl's kidnapping and death.
He was accused of more than 100 murders, as well as kidnapping, smuggling and poaching.
The defendants, including Mr. Singh's brother Mukesh, face charges including kidnapping, rape and murder.
In 1977 he earned a 50-year sentence for kidnapping and raping a woman in Nevada.
ECONOMIST: A horrible case shows the need for competent policing
Another 1963 memo deals with speculation about a motive in the kidnapping of Frank Sinatra Jr.
Police investigating a so-called "tiger-kidnapping" have revisited the areas involved a week after it happened.
In Mexico, police have been involved in crimes ranging from mugging to drug-trafficking and kidnapping.
Crucially, the Supreme Court judges made no decision over the original kidnapping charges against her.