The Bushwick kids return to the United States on August 13, but their journey will not end then.
Even parents who can afford to have their kids return home without significant financial strain should be worried about the consequences.
Shin and the other kids return to the tables for two more hours of practice, following their dreams in China's national sport, one shot at a time.
"I call on Congress today to act immediately to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every single school in this nation and to do it now to make sure that blanket safety is in place when our kids return to school in January, " he said.
Another: consider a smart car with parental controls that could take the kids to school and return home.
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The event will include two panel discussions, featuring high-level participation of government representatives (Indonesia, Namibia, USA), UN agencies and international organizations (Deputy Secretary-Genearal, UNESCO, UNOP and Education International), foundations (IDP Foundation, and Ford Foundation), NGOs (Sesame Workshop and Absolute Return for Kids).
"I just want to return to my kids and my music, " Curtis said.
After a week or two of running around without a wet, poopy diaper, most kids are pretty reluctant to return to that state.
Kids go back to school, vacationers return to work and the pace picks up at the office.
One of reasons NYC has improved schools dramatically is that unions are tough to deal with but if they can get things for their members they do give back in return to our public and kids.
If they are feeding and taking your child to soccer today, then offer to return the favor another time for their kids.
By providing disincentives for kids to transfer, you increase the likelihood of seeing a return on your recruiting investment.
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Britain has become less like Scandinavia, where young people tend to leave home at 18 or 19 and never return, and more like a Mediterranean country, where kids can stick around for decades.
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More than anything, we have the right to send our kids to school in the morning with the guarantee that they'll return home in the afternoon.
The safe return from their exertions for both the veterans and the new kids on the block will be the best result of all as a crowd of 70, 000 watch another potentially memorable contest.
As a working mom, changes on my return flight are very, very, difficult for me, my kids, our care providers, and my husband.
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