Gou Fei, a recently trained kindergarten teacher, visited West China to see whether she could help.
She also spent time as a kindergarten teacher and learned to play the recorder.
Martha, a kindergarten teacher played with usual soulfulness by Edie Falco, is a runner.
Fortunately, I had a wonderful Kindergarten teacher who took an interest in helping me and my family.
' It was the second song I've ever learnt (the first one being something taught by the kindergarten teacher).
Every morning, I like to help the kindergarten teacher prepare for her day.
Take the 22-year-old kindergarten teacher who wanted to start investing some money outside of her 403(b) retirement plan at work.
Only one of his contractors, a graphic designer, is a full-time freelancer, working on many projects at once and getting health insurance through his wife, who is a kindergarten teacher.
Martha's daughter, who is the only family member to keep a slender tether to AWOL mom, doesn't understand the flight response but fills in her mother's shoes perfectly, taking care of dad and even replacing mom as kindergarten teacher.
Marika Jurgin the head teacher at Sikupilli Kindergarten, says they also use their computers for community lessons.
In Kindergarten, MacKenzie observes, when the teacher asks who is an artist, everyone puts a hand up, screaming that they are creative and an artist.
Lauren Rousseau, 30, had dreamed of being a teacher since before she went to kindergarten herself.
This year there are 11 students, from kindergarten through fourth grade, one full-time teacher and one teaching aide.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg and schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott have said the resulting funding loss would mean the elimination of 700 guidance counselor and teacher positions, bigger class sizes and cuts in pre-kindergarten special education, after-school and anti-bullying programs, according to court documents.
Walter Milancuk's public-school horror story began early, when his son Derrick spent kindergarten in an overcrowded roomful of students who regularly fought in class and cursed the teacher.