"I sucked in my gut a lot, " says Mr. Kirchhoff, who has since lost 40 pounds.
WSJ: Want to Be CEO? What's Your BMI?
Kirchhoff made these statements in a talk at the 2011 TEDMED conference where, it turns out, he met BJ Fogg.
FORBES: Weight Watchers 360: Mobile Apps Can Break Hard Habits With Easy-to-Follow Steps
This concept first came up for me in discussions with Stanford behavior design researcher BJ Fogg and continued in my interview with Weight Watchers CEO David Kirchhoff.
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But, as Kirchhoff described to me in an interview last week, the problem is complicated by the fact that there are multiple systems at play that impact what we eat.
FORBES: Weight Watchers 360: Mobile Apps Can Break Hard Habits With Easy-to-Follow Steps
David Kirchhoff owns at least 42, 073 shares after this.
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