Price remembers queuing up in his local HMV in Cardiff in the early 80s to get a copy of Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye signed by Bananarama .
We might have to kiss that symbolism goodbye if sources at Impress Watch, SemiAccurate and ZDNet are genuinely in the know.
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Ed was faced with a decision that many workers experience: Go for a shot at love and lose your job -- or stay employed and kiss your love goodbye?
And we see the devotion of citizens who put on the uniform, who kiss their families goodbye, who are willing to lay down their lives so that we can live ours in peace and in freedom.
The choice to kiss your childhood dream goodbye or live with a dishonest heart is horrid and tearing.
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You start picturing yourself working at this wonderful company and are excited at the prospect of being able to kiss your current employer goodbye.
It's been stalled for years, but it is the kind of thing that every candidate gets asked when they come here - are you against it, and if you're not, you can kiss your Nevada chances goodbye.
If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye.
Some of you will kiss your husbands or wives goodbye each morning, and send them out the door not knowing what might happen that day.
Describing the morning of her death, he said that as his wife was leaving the house she ran back, saying she had forgotten to kiss one of her two sons goodbye.
Kiss the tedious times spent in check out lines goodbye.
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People in Argentina commonly kiss one another on the cheek in saying hello and goodbye, expressing a warm feeling even between a dentist office receptionist and patient.