• They say the bankruptcy has led to the seizing of his cufflinks, his Rolex watch, his books, including signed copies of works by Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon, and even his son's computer.

    ECONOMIST: Jonathan Aitken

  • Henry Kissinger under President Nixon and John Foster Dulles under President Eisenhower were modern titans.

    BBC: Hillary Clinton: A year in the shadow of Barack Obama

  • Both Nixon and Kissinger are like two kids caught doing something naughty, cajoling and squabbling as they try to both get off the hook, either together or at the expense of the other.

    BBC: Nixon's final hours

  • Nevertheless, ever since Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger re-opened relations with China in 1972, the right foreign-policy approach to that communist country has been clear and has mostly been followed.

    ECONOMIST: How not to deal with China

  • Thomas Friedman, a New York Times columnist, argues that, if they want to have a successful foreign policy, presidents need to have a close personal bond with their secretaries of state: witness Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger or George Bush senior and James Baker.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • And then President Nixon used his considerable powers of persuasion on Henry Kissinger and the two of them very publicly disavowed the treaty.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Monica Crowley, Mightier Pen 2012

  • His duties at the White House, on Henry Kissinger's National Security Council and for Nixon, had been carried out while still under military orders and earned him a dizzy ascent, from colonel to four-star general in four years.

    ECONOMIST: Alexander Haig

  • When Christmas was still Christmas, a paid-up Jewish liberal like Anthony Lewis could get seasonal outrage out of Nixon's and Kissinger's bombardment of Vietnam, referring with high-minded irony to the "Christmas bombing, " almost as if hardened Vietnamese Marxists would have preferred to be strafed on Labor Day.

    WSJ: Christopher Hitchens on Forced Merriment, the True Spirit of Christmas

  • But who studies the works of Christian Archibald Herter, also a secretary of state under Eisenhower, and William P Rogers, who preceded Kissinger under Nixon?

    BBC: Hillary Clinton: A year in the shadow of Barack Obama

  • William Bundy, the circle's epitome, perhaps could never quite forgive Nixon and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, for being credited with ending the Vietnam war, albeit in a Communist victory.

    ECONOMIST: William Bundy

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