• During the three-hour climb up rocky switchbacks to the pass, we stomp through several steep spots blanketed in knee-deep snow and ice. (You really feel those 30 pounds shifting around on your back as you try to maintain your balance.) We're forced to detour around one switchback and shimmy up a slick, steep incline of green brush, holding on to plants for leverage--and praying for solid foot positions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Normally, visitors to this ski resort seek nothing more dynamic than pumping knee-deep powder snow or perhaps enjoying a knees-up in one of Davos's nightclubs.

    BBC: Davos 2013: 'Dynamic resilience' in a volatile world

  • Climbing up Galinica, knee-deep in snow, the gun a dead weight against his ribs, the blacksmith was convinced that this was the end for him.

    NEWYORKER: The Tiger��s Wife

  • Knee-deep in snow, U.S. Rangers in search of Osama bin Laden were pinned down under heavy fire after their helicopter was shot down by al Qaeda and Taliban forces in eastern Afghanistan in March 2002.

    FORBES: Top Gun

  • The snow is knee-deep but flyaway light and effortless to move through.

    WSJ: Heli-Skiing in Greenland

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