• Their hands were tied behind their backs and they were made to kneel on a patch of waste ground.

    BBC: Witness describes Mali forces 'executing' students

  • He told the cafe owner that he went home to find that his mother and sisters were locked in a bedroom and his father forced to kneel on the ground as security forces raided their home.

    BBC: Tripoli eyewitness: Trapped in the Libyan whirlwind

  • And at least once a week she will kneel on the mattress before you and, with one hand pulling at her dark nipples, will play with herself, not letting you touch at all, fingers whisking the soft of her and her face looking desperately, furiously happy.


  • Edgy U.S. soldiers raised their rifles again, using hand signs to order men to kneel and lie on their bellies in the dirt before moving over and strapping plastic handcuffs around their wrists.

    CNN: 's Karl Penhaul

  • They were allowed to kneel next to him on the floor, where he was lying in a fetal position, and remove his blindfold.

    NEWYORKER: Ghosts

  • I'd kneel before him, but those little knobs on the bricks can hurt.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They'll punish you by making you kneel or do press-ups or put your thumb on the ground and make you keep walking in a circle, all under the hot sun.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • It attracts up to 10, 000 visitors a day who can log on and choose a 3-D character which can kneel, sing hymns, hear a sermon and even shout "Hallelujah"!

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Online church blocks Satan visits

  • He orders Asteria and Bajazet to wait on him at his table, and he demands that Asteria kneel down to serve his drink.

    NPR: Placido Domingo in Handel's 'Tamerlano'

  • He would say Kaddish for her on her death day, and on his first visit to Auschwitz, in 1983, he slipped away to kneel in the grass among the barracks, in his archiepiscopal robes with his scarlet skull-cap, and cry.

    ECONOMIST: Cardinal Lustiger

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