• In Maryland, Michael Pugh donned a wool coat, knit cap, waterproof pants and heavy boots to trudge more than a mile through four inches of wet snow to his bank in downtown Hagerstown, about 70 miles west of Baltimore.

    WSJ: Storm blasts East with snow, cold; warmer Tuesday

  • The suspect, who was being sought late Monday, was described by witnesses as a black man in his late 20s or early 30s wearing a tan T-shirt, black slacks and a black knit cap and holding a three-quarter-length black coat.

    WSJ: Man Dies After Push Onto Track

  • Merritt is a tall woman in a long black coat and a dressy black hat, and her children are seen only as pink knit caps at about elbow height.

    NPR: D.C. Dispatches: From The National Mall And Parade

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