"If it wasn't for Jamie's navigation and know-how ... we wouldn't have made it, " Connerton said.
Which is why he has brought to Turkey his West Texas drilling know-how and his pocketbook.
And they still don't know where the brothers allegedly got the weapons, explosives and know-how.
No one else in India has the scale or the logistical know-how to compete with that.
Very few companies have the resources and know-how to successfully produce products and also distribute them.
The company applied its materials know-how to making tiny circuit boards for early digital watches.
That's because neither quality standards nor know-how was high enough to build more sophisticated parts.
So I put all my deep technological know-how to work: I yelled at it.
What I think we need to learn how to do is to spread know-how.
Our entrepreneurial know-how and financial technology are ahead of everyone else's by light years.
But many peasants have neither the know-how nor the money to make their case.
"The technology is light years ahead of the legislation and the police know-how, " he said.
And once the acquired engineers had transferred their know-how, Miller told them to hit the road.
Big drug firms have heaps of know-how that could be harnessed to help the poor.
It takes the ability and the know-how to use the resources that are available.
The key, as so often in Chinese business, was to link western know-how with Chinese connections.
The know-how exists but the cost of creating a new hydrogen-powered auto sector is now prohibitive.
Betting on American ingenuity and know-how and manufacturing, that was the right thing to do.
India keeps a keen eye on its diaspora, anxious to woo back know-how and investment.
India thus lacks the institutions, know-how and procedures that make internationally acceptable trials possible.
As it is worldwide, farming in Chile is using more capital and more modern know-how.
Customers can access Hillcrest's design know-how to effectively use inertial and other sensors in a wide range of applications.
Clean-up know-how has advanced a long way, says Mike Bullen of Maysand, a Manchester stonework firm.
The French state recently bought a third of the shipyard company to save jobs and know-how.
It would be difficult for GM to quickly assemble Opel's engineering know-how, says Robinet.
Areva and the French government are also aggressively selling French nuclear know-how to other countries, especially China.
The good news is that we already have the know-how and technology to tackle most of this waste.
You have to realize that these place names represent the local tradition, the local culture, the local know-how.
He has applied far more money and know-how to issues far less important than the shortage of water.
And we are investing in a knowledge-management system to ensure that the best global know-how informs our work.