In 2001 Koza seized control of his investment account from a know-nothing broker at Morgan Stanley.
P. to be pondering whether there'd be any electoral advantage in changing its name to the Know-Nothing Party.
One would be hard put to find a more murderously emotional, know-nothing position than the one on DDT.
Anybody who criticizes the current system therefore is a know-nothing who wants to create some sort of libertarian dystopia featuring banking panics and economic chaos.
FORBES: End the Fed: More than Just a Bumper Sticker Slogan?
As the issue of illegal immigration was taken up by conservatives with increasing ardency, Giuliani was reminded of the nativist Know-Nothing movement of the nineteenth century, whose adherents sought to repel the tide of mostly Catholic European immigration.
Contrary to the claims of know-nothing critics like Bittman, such products are not only environmentally superior to conventional and (especially) organic offerings but would also offer the food industry a proven and practical means of tackling the fungal contamination at its source.
FORBES: Bittman of the 'New York Times': Always Out To Lunch
Since Western Europe and North America were mature markets that essentially were closed to new high-volume handset OEMs, TCL shipped its phones designed for the low-to-mid tier Chinese consumer to markets like India and Southeast Asia, and expected to dominate those emerging markets over the pricey, know-nothing big Western multinationals.
FORBES: Chinese Phones For Sale: Cautionary Tales From The Emerging Markets
Ms. DANA PERINO (White House Press Secretary): And so I got asked about the Cuban missile crisis, and I was panicked a bit because I really know about -nothing about the Cuban missile crisis.
Many will remember the awful feeling in the last recession, in the early 1990s - or the 1987 stock market crash, or the British property bubble - where you know nothing fundamental has changed - but people who spent freely before, took chances before, stop doing all those things, and everything slows down, share prices fall - confidence ebbs away.
You said nothing would change -- you know, sort of, nothing is going to change sort of what the President wants to do in a policy toward Iran and having to do with the nuclear situation.
Winnick, of course, said he didn't know much--and nothing at the hearing shed much light on the subject.
So, I mean, that's kind of a hard sell to say that you're not - you know, you have nothing against other races when you're, like, but I don't want them mixing or touching us.
Let me say a final word about your son's condition -- again recognizing that I know nothing about him beyond what's in your question.
But I know that they don't -- but I know they don't want to just offer nothing to the millions of people in America who are in the situation that that woman was in.
And we would above all have banged and banged the drum about youth unemployment, so that -- if nothing else -- the hard-hit cohort of 20-somethings would know that somebody in Washington gave a damn about them.
And nothing against the Giants - you know, I think the Giants would be a lot more like (unintelligible) if they weren't from New York.
Both agencies say the programs can enhance screening of people they know nothing about if they can move low-risk people who submit to background checks out of the main queues.
Gold mines appear to be a good way to own gold but as anyone who follows the goings-on in the mining sector will know, nothing ever seems to run smoothly.
The two men understand that not a euro of fresh money is to be had right now indeed, they must know that plenty of euro-zone countries would like nothing more than to throw Greece out.
One-fifth of tweens say their parents know little or nothing about their dating relationships, while only 6 percent of parents concur.
By these true stories i just want to let you know that, there is nothing to wary about the health-care world wide.
There have been some small elements of violence, you know, some drive-by shootings, a few bombs - but nothing on a scale of this.
Anyone who scans much online technology journalism will know that snarky opinion pieces and cheap reviews - offered to readers for nothing - are its common currency so asking for cash to support heavyweight reporting seemed optimistic to say the least.
But doctors know virtually nothing about how long such an effect can be maintained - or even whether the tumour can be harmed, and in Diane's case, despite repeated treatments, further scans do not show any shrinking of the tumour - in fact, it grows and spreads.
When they try to persuade investors, and often themselves, that synergies abound (that two and two equals not merely five but six or more) in their takeovers of firms engaged in activities that they know next to nothing about, companies prefer such euphemisms as multi-industry business or non-related diversification.
You know, if we stay hard and they sold, if anything - if nothing else.
"We saw new players, and these skeleton entities that had nothing to do with oil, had no experience or know-how, buying and trading leases, making baseless claims, " said Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Uzi Landau.
But basically it really calls on human physiology, there's nothing that's unique to me - everything, you know, that I call on as a free diver is really unique to the human race and our connection with marine mammals.
We know from experience that liberal politicians see nothing wrong with the haves supporting the have-nots.