For pure knowledge acquisition, it's hard to argue against such developments, especially in an era that doesn't prioritize enrichment for its own sake.
The Project provides technical assistance to develop skills in curriculum development and curriculum assessment, thereby increasing the value added of the new curriculum in terms of impact on students' knowledge acquisition and their achievement.
The exact details of what will be included and excluded from this latest version of England's curriculum have yet to be published, but Mr Gove promised: "Our new curriculum affirms - at every point - the critical importance of knowledge acquisition".
In future quarters, you will see clearly that we will take what we've learned from this acquisition and apply that knowledge towards our joint venture with NEC in Japan and our acquisition of Medion in Germany.
These programmes are directed towards the acquisition of knowledge that will lead to quality of life improvements and the development of vocational capacity.
Mr Gove argued that it was poorer families that had the most to gain as "the accumulation of cultural capital - the acquisition of knowledge - is the key to social mobility".
Leading the adoption of 4K content in cinema, home entertainment and broadcast, Sony Pictures builds on its renowned professional equipment expertise along with the company's wealth of knowledge in both 4K acquisition and home entertainment.
ENGADGET: Sony to launch 4K digital distribution network this summer, 'mastered in 4K' Blu-ray discs
The programme is selected for its focus on women and out-of-school youth, reaching over 100, 000 people in more than 3, 500 literacy centres, and for its aim of ensuring the right of every individual to literacy and basic education, including the acquisition of knowledge about human rights, reconciliation and peace-building.
Take advantage of this wealth of market knowledge before making any important acquisition.
This comes even after Viacom released copies of communications among key Google execs prior to its acquisition of YouTube indicating knowledge of infringement on the site.
It's what brings together people's faith (their belief about what they can do), their fire (their energy for doing it), and their acquisition and use of knowledge.
The network will generate knowledge and innovation in support of the acquisition and use of literacy, and promote advocacy, policy formulation and programme delivery, as well as cooperation and partnerships.
The knowledge imparted during the course goes beyond the simple acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills.
Increased acquisition by individuals and families of the knowledge, skills, and values required for better living made available through all education channels, including mass media.
The acquisition of InQuira provides Oracle with a complete knowledge-management suite, integrated with self-service support, online customer forums and agent-assisted CRM.
The knowledge gained and the rapport built with customers will go a long way to making the acquisition accretive.
Petitioner had intimate knowledge of Bankers through her work experiences and was asked to continue working in New York City on the post-acquisition integration of the two banks.
FORBES: New York Likes to Hang on to the 1% as Long as it Can
Earlier this week Google introduced us to its Knowledge Graph, a 500 million plus fact-filled database that it has developed from its own research and its acquisition of MetaWeb Technologies.
FORBES: How a Search for the Movie 'Battleship' Fares Under Google's Knowledge Graph