Hardly an inspiring way of choosing a candidate, but Republicans apparently like a known quantity.
G. was such a known quantity, how on Earth is someone going to fill those shoes?
By contrast, the PPI payments were, by the time of the Budget, very much a known quantity.
We put a known quantity up there, " says Kaufman, "to keep the emotions at a lower level.
Windows Phone 7 is a known quantity and requires a much lower specification of device to run.
Now, he has the benefit and burden of being a known quantity.
WSJ: Stephen Byrd | Developing a Multiracial 'Desire' | Cultural Conversation by Joanne Kaufman
Mahathir, at the very least, is a known quantity - and far less of an Islamist (ever a worry in the island republic).
"I can't say it didn't help that I've been in the industry for however many years - I was a known quantity in that sense, " he says.
And how many people who were tempted by the Surface will look at all the fuss and simply go for a known quantity such as the iPad?
FORBES: Microsoft Has A Problem With The Public's Expectation Of The Surface
Although Assad is a sworn enemy of Israel, he is also a known quantity, and his family has been careful to keep the border with Israel quiet for most of the past 40 years.
Of course, this is just another twist in the endless argument about Ion, but despite the denials, this isn't the first time we've heard whispers that Intel pretty much forces manufacturers to buy complete Atom chipsets -- the dearth of Ion-powered netbooks in the market is fairly suspicious considering the GeForce 9400M at the heart of the platform is a well-known quantity.
ENGADGET: CE-Oh no he didn't! Part LX: NVIDIA calls Intel's single-chip Atom pricing "pretty unfair"
If the amount being taken up by the oceans were also known accurately, then the quantity sucked up by the land could be deduced.
Without a doubt all the factors mentioned by the bank in paragraphs 33 and 34 arguing for lower neutral rates are true, but as is well known the neutral rate, not being an observable quantity, is both hard to estimate and is constantly changing.
It has been known for years that in a range of animals from insects to birds the males increase the quality and quantity of the sperm they ejaculate when those sperm are likely to find themselves in competition with sperm from another male.