The trio have announced plans to appear at Koko in London on 23 October.
While the chat session will be a first, Koko is no stranger to computers.
Central African lowland gorillas like Koko are threatened by logging and poaching in their natural habitats.
The event is normally held around various venues in Camden including The Roundhouse, KOKO and The Barfly.
Grammy Award-winning blues artist Koko Taylor died Wednesday at the age of 80.
Kuol's own mother Koko Agot believed it was taboo for men to cook.
"She would stomp out the beat with her right foot and, boy, the drummer better play Koko's beat, " Iglauer says.
Then he allowed himself to be arm-twisted by the party into appointing Koko Sato, a convicted bribe-taker, to his cabinet.
Patterson will then translate Koko's responses and relay them to a typist.
Koko is said to understand some 2, 000 words of spoken English.
Fans of Dr Doolittle will be heartened to hear of Koko, a gorilla whose knowledge of more than 500 signs allows her a fair line in jokes.
Her tutor, Francine Patterson, will translate questions between AOL users and Koko - who will be logged on at the Foundation research centre near San Francisco where she lives.
In what is being described as the first inter-species computer chat, Koko will use her skills to answer questions from curious humans through the Internet provider America Online (AOL).