Reform all unions and create an incentive based labor force through estabilishing rules of the road.
About a third of Japan's labor force are temporary workers who have no job security.
The country also boasts a cheap labor force, with even higher literacy rates than Myanmar.
Moreover, the disappearance of jobs will drive creativity within the U.S. labor force itself.
If it had, the pay commanded by our labor force would almost certainly be quite small.
Jacksonville is another example of city with a diverse and highly educated labor force.
If the answer is yes, the respondent is considered in the labor force, but unemployed.
If the answer is yes, the responder is considered in the labor force and employed.
Courtesy of the Great Recession, men are no longer dominators in the labor force.
Moreover, from 1966-1972 the German labor force was actually smaller than it was in 1960.
FORBES: Does China's Shrinking Workforce Doom It To Economic Stagnation? Some Lessons From Germany
Particularly as they increase productivity and gradually shrink the labor force through normal retirement and attrition.
That is a far cry from 1933 when 25% of the labor force was unemployed.
U.S. neighbor, Canada, imposes a marginal tax rate of 31.2% on its labor force.
But what about those high-tech industries that demand a highly educated and skilled labor force?
The red line is the percentage of the working-age population in the labor force.
Since 2000, the global labor force has doubled from 1.5 billion to 3 billion.
Gains in education and labor force involvement have not yet translated into wage and income equity.
Without this adjustment the labor force increased by 851, 000 and employment increased by 1.11 million.
We have some of most talented engineer and -- and labor force in the world.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
This is yet another reason why we need to strengthen the labor force (private sector).
Today, less than 10% of the native-born men in the labor force are high school dropouts.
The labor force participation rate, which peaked in 2000, has been trending lower ever since.
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He will point to the fact that the labor force shrunk during the recession.
Surely increasing the programmer labor force by 20% must drive down programmer wages, he reasons.
FORBES: Misunderstanding the Benefits of High-Skilled Immigrants
To be more precise, the 1975 labor force was only 0.5% larger than the 1960 labor force.
FORBES: Does China's Shrinking Workforce Doom It To Economic Stagnation? Some Lessons From Germany
If not, they are considered not part of the labor force, and are not counted as unemployed.
As such, the percentage of the population participating in the labor force declined from 65.7 to 63.8.
About half of all disability-insurance applicants are eventually awarded benefits, and only rarely re-enter the labor force.
So is the shrinking labor force, with more and more people giving up the search for work.
FORBES: Obama's Real Unemployment Rate Is 14.7%, And A Recession's On The Way
Moreover, the growth of two-income households cannot be blamed for the relative contraction of the labor force.
FORBES: Jobs of the Future: Why the Political Class Should Read Michael Saylor's "The Mobile Wave"