The labor force participation rate, which peaked in 2000, has been trending lower ever since.
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At the same time, the labor force participation rate is near 30-year lows.
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The labor force participation rate was also unchanged at 63.6 percent in December.
The labor force rose by 578, 000 people in October, and the labor force participation rate increased by 0.2 percentage point.
The US female labor force participation rate, is rising over time, and for most of recent history higher than in Japan.
Note that each percentage point decrease in labor force participation rate is equivalent to 3 million people leaving the labor force.
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The labor force participation rate for mothers of young children stood at 70.6% in 2011, compared with 47% in 1975.
In August, the labor force participation rate for men was the lowest on record, which goes all the way back to 1948.
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The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 63.6 percent in January.
The labor force participation rate declined by 0.2 percentage point last month.
The civilian labor force declined by 496, 000 over the month, with the labor force participation rate falling by 0.2 percentage point to 63.3%.
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The economic consequence will be either higher unemployment, a further decline in the labor force participation rate, or a combination of the two.
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Moreover, the labor force participation rate, which is a measure of the percentage of people working in the entire population, is falling precipitously.
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The labor force participation rate of recent immigrants is reported as high as 94 percent, about one third higher than the general population.
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Over the last 12 months, the unemployment rate has fallen by 0.4 percentage point, and the labor force participation rate has been essentially unchanged.
The 350, 000 decline in the labor force brought the labor force participation rate in November to 63.6 percent, down slightly from 63.8 percent in October.
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The labor force participation rate did not change substantially at all.
This means a low 7%ish headline unemployment rate, a stabilization in the labor force participation rate (which may have already begun in April) and accelerating GDP growth.
The current situation is far different, with unemployment falling because of a declining labor force participation rate and a decline in the size of that labor force.
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It was also the second consecutive month in which the work-force grew, and the second month since last July in which the civilian labor force participation rate increased.
The size of the labor force grew by 578, 000 workers in October, with the labor force participation rate moving higher by two-tenths of a percentage point to 63.8%.
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Over the last 12 months, the unemployment rate has decreased by 1.0 percentage point as a result of growing employment, and the labor force participation rate has been essentially unchanged.
Over the last 12 months, the unemployment rate has decreased by 0.7 percentage point as a result of growing employment, and the labor force participation rate has been essentially unchanged.
One bright spot in the Labor Department jobs release, at least, was the slight rise in both the labor force participation rate and employment-to-population ratio, the first increases since February.
However, I was struck by the fairly sharp decline in the labor force participation rate, which has shrunk about three percentage points from around 66 percent before the recession to 63 percent currently.
If we adjust the unemployment numbers to a labor force participation rate of 65.8% (which is likely what was assumed by Romer and Bernstein), then we see that the unemployment rate actually peaked at the equivalent of 11.7% in July 2011.
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In fact, if you ask me what the level of employment will be five or 10 years from now, I would probably ignore demand factors and focus on supply factors such as the expected growth in the labor force due to demographics and factors affecting the labor force participation rate.
The decline came because of a 20 basis point drop in the labor-force participation rate.
The labor-force participation rate, which measures the percentage of working-age people in the workforce, also dropped to 63.5%, the lowest in 30 years.
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The labor-force participation rate, which measures those employed as well as those looking for work as a portion of the population, fell 0.2 to a seasonally adjusted 63.3%, a level last seen in mid-1979.