And also some sugar type materials, such as mannitol (a baby laxative), glucose or lactose.
If you are a lactose-intolerant, wheat-intolerant, or have too much candida, keep it to yourself.
All human babies can metabolise lactose, but only some adults can manage the trick.
The unit sells sugar substitute Splenda, Lactaid lactose-free milk products and dietary supplements.
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The company was founded by Linda Barrie, who was searching for a hot chocolate recipe for her lactose-intolerant daughter.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a food allergy or with lactose intolerance?
According to her review, inappropriate food was given to older patients with diabetes, lactose intolerance or had problems with swallowing.
He's a sort of evangelist for lactose tolerance, talking without irony of the "in-store theatre" of how his product is presented.
One example of this is variation in LCT, a gene involved in the metabolism of lactose, a sugar found in milk.
For all of the people that are lactose intolerant will now have to pay an additional .60 per cup for soy milk.
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All mammals can digest lactose sugars in milk as babies, but the lactase gene switches off at weaning when no longer needed.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter
One gene that spread in many parts of Europe along with the migrants gave adults lactose tolerance, or the ability to digest milk.
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Problem was, it was also swimming in lactose, butterfat and cholesterol.
Clinical studies do suggest the importance of bacterial flora in other conditions that include lactose intolerance, atopic dermatitis and some other immune-mediated, rheumatologic and allergic diseases.
Or, well, anything at all to frighten the lactose intolerant.
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The expansion enables the firm to produce lactose - an ingredient widely-used by the food industry in products such as confectionary - for customers across the UK and Europe.
The new study, of 5, 000-year-old bones from the Basque region of Spain, catches this evolutionary event in the act, finding that just 27% of individuals were then lactose tolerant, much lower than today.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter
Of course, it's plausible that the culture came first drinking milk gave some advantage to all, because milk has nutrition other than lactose in it, but it especially benefited adults with mutations that allowed lactose digestion.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter
The paradigmatic example is lactose tolerance.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Human Culture's Effect on Genes | Mind & Matter