S. The revenue-maximizing tax rate is not the ideal point on the Laffer Curve.
Half my time is spent trying to convince left-leaning people that the Laffer Curve exists.
FORBES: Disastrous U.K. Tax Hike Unleashes Steroid-Pumped Version Of Laffer Curve
Two points worth noting: the first being quite obviously that there really is a Laffer Curve.
Sorting out who does what and how often is what gives us the Laffer Curve.
The true Laffer Curve is based upon the present value (PV) of future federal revenues.
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The Laffer Curve is one of the most hotly contested concepts in political economy.
The existence of the Laffer Curve is something that some political types simply will not countenance.
It gives us the real skinny on how we ought to be discussing the Laffer Curve.
To broaden the understanding of the Laffer Curve, share these three videos with your friends and colleagues.
One of my frustrating missions in life is to educate policy makers on the Laffer Curve.
And although the exact shape of the Laffer Curve can never be known, Cochrane takes it seriously.
The Laffer Curve embodies a commonsense principle: there is a point at which raising taxes becomes counterproductive.
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This is sometimes known as the Laffer Curve, and this common-sense theory is explained in the following video.
I'm not saying just all the time the Laffer curve works or all the time supply-side economics works.
The Laffer Curve captured the imagination of the proverbial man on the street.
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Has the 50% rate taken us over the Laffer Curve peak or not?
The second is that the Laffer Curve is such an obvious and important thing to consider when setting tax rates.
The Laffer Curve is one of my favorite issues (see here, here, here, here, here, etc).
FORBES: Disastrous U.K. Tax Hike Unleashes Steroid-Pumped Version Of Laffer Curve
Libertarianism that puts political liberty first is conceptually undedicated to holding the line on this or that point on the Laffer curve.
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One reason for this relationship, as he explains, is that the Laffer Curve is a real-world constraint on class warfare tax policy.
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We should find that point on the Laffer Curve which generates the highest tax revenue and then cut taxes further by several magnitudes.
Indeed, given the level of taxation in many economies, higher rates might reduce revenue by pushing economies to the wrong side of the Laffer curve.
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Other ideas, such as Ronald Reagan's beloved Laffer curve, were derided in spoof articles: Mr Gardner had a sense of humour, and used it to effect.
Named after my Cato colleague Richard Rahn and explained in the video below, the Rahn Curve is sort of a spending version of the Laffer Curve.
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Dr. Arthur Laffer developed the Laffer Curve based on a simple premise: at 100% taxation any incentive for work or investment ceases, eliminating the ability to collect taxes.
Application of the Laffer Curve is why the U.S. boomed in the 1980s and 1990s, why India is rocking now and why eastern Europe will outperform western Europe.
The Laffer Curve really is a curve, it has a maximum rate of taxation at which lower tax rates produce less revenue and so do higher tax rates.
Those on the left (and yes, I have met some who do this) who flat out deny that the Laffer Curve has any meaning at all are wrong.
Robert, the Laffer curve has never really worked in practice.