He says it would cost less to help a laid-off worker buy an individual policy that is unconnected to his ex-employer's.
If the laid off auto worker in Detroit, or the high school student in Little Rock, or the former textile marketer in Greensboro, N.
The laid-off worker who has to go back at the age of 55 to retrain at a community college -- she needs a champion.
The laid-off worker who is having to go back and retrain at the age of 55 at a community college -- she needs a champion.
The laid-off worker who has to go back and retrain at a community college at the age of 55 to try to get a new career in a new field -- she needs a champion.
Even though I'm bored silly, I'm still better off than your typical laid-off garment worker.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Young China | The Pen is Nastier Than the Sword--Page 2
And a succession of ordinary citizens aired their troubles at the podium: a car worker about to lose his job, a flood victim from Iowa, a laid-off textile worker with huge medical bills, and so on.
ECONOMIST: Barack Obama struggled this week to unite his party
He was pitched a book, Anatomy of Greed: The Unshredded Truth from an Enron Insider, written by a young, laid-off Enron worker named Brian Cruver .
The laid-off furniture worker who suddenly has to retrain at the age of 55 for a new career, trying to figure out how to pay for community college -- she needs a champion.
An experienced worker laid off when unemployment is at 9% faces a reduction in lifetime earnings nearly twice that of someone sacked when the rate is 5%: a loss of 20% on average, according to new work by Steven Davis and Till von Wachter.
The wife of a laid-off oil-rig worker, who's used to him being away for weeks at a time, can't get a reprieve.
CNN: In Gulf oil disaster, cameras can't capture the human toll
Another said up to 200 staff are expected to be told they have been laid off, while a different worker said 180.
M. said it was now going to hire back every single worker that had been laid off.
Or the auto worker in Toledo who was laid off his job and couldn't figure out how he was going to support his family, and had to have that conversation with his kids explaining how dad is out of work right now and so we're going to have to tighten our belts, and we're not sure we're going to make the mortgage payments.
And I would say people should check out opportunity.gov which has a number of -- lots of information about how to get training when you're laid off, particularly if you're a blue-collar worker and you can't afford it.