He has properties in the Lake Geneva area and is looking for deals in London.
Duffy's path to his Chicago River-view office started behind the bar at Chuck's in Lake Geneva, Wis.
During the Geneva motor show in March Mays summoned designers to a hotel conference room overlooking Lake Geneva.
The festival, which takes place on the shores of Lake Geneva, has featured the likes of Miles Davis and Santana.
Time off: Sails around Lake Geneva in his yellow catamaran preparing for the Bol d'Or race, which he won last year.
Prince first played Montreux in 2007, followed by one of his famed after-show parties at 03:00 in a late-night jazz cafe alongside Lake Geneva.
But even as the darkened shores of Lake Geneva roll past, my phone rings with people keen to talk about the new EU jobs.
During one particularly eventful summer in 1816, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley and John Polidori rented the Villa Diodati manor in Cologny, near Lake Geneva.
As usual, the Euro-enthusiastic French-speakers, who account for only 17% of Swiss citizens, were keen: 80% of the canton of Vaud, next to Lake Geneva, for example, backed the deal.
One quarter of the Hotel des Bergues' rooms are suites, with spacious sitting rooms and windows that look out onto Lake Geneva and the landmark Jet D'Eau, a 140-meter-high geyser of water that is reputed to be Europe's tallest fountain.
The man overseeing this sea change is Michel Bonnefous, a school chum of Bertarelli's who still climbs mountains with the billionaire and skims across Lake Geneva on his powerful 12-meter catamaran ("It's a mountain of sail, " he says, with a touch of awe).
The man overseeing this sea change is Michel Bonnefous, a school chum of Bertarelli's who still climbs mountains with the billionaire and skims across Lake Geneva on his powerful 40-foot catamaran ("It's a mountain of sail, " he says, with a touch of awe).
For example, a family reunion in Chicago is an ideal set-up for a getaway to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (about 75 miles away), while a business meeting in New York is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the scenic Hudson Valley region (which starts as little as 20 miles away).
Thus is the cinema reborn, the natural order restored and thus, in the first image of this new cinema, Cordelia (Molly Ringwald) dies, her body stretched on a boulder by the shores of Lake Geneva, as, with his back to her, Lear (Burgess Meredith) beholds the wonders of nature that have made it so.
There is spring in the air in balmy Geneva, where it seems a good idea to whip the roofs off and cruise along the lake.