But in online chatrooms, many Escape fans have lamented the curvier look of the new Escape.
During a speech last week, Mr. Page lamented press reports about Google's competition versus other companies.
WSJ: Google Follows Amazon's Lead on New Shopping Site, Delivery, Other Services
West Indies skipper Darren Sammy lamented his side's failure to chase down England's total.
For decades old timers lamented the days when there was a brewery in every neighbourhood.
Others lamented that the space wasn't used for someone with more relevance to Mexico's past.
Ms Joly lamented the fact that the agreement contained no reference to environmental and social standards.
In northern Mali's largest city of Gao, the mayor lamented Chad's decision on Monday.
"The press and the opposition appear to have missed the point, " Mr Hughes lamented.
Following the game, a disenchanted Scott lamented his team's lack effort in the first half.
" Or, as South Carolina plantation mistress Mary Chesnut lamented: "Our world has gone to destruction.
As he left, Mr Caputo lamented that neither the government nor scientists had supported him.
Mr McCain also lamented that Mr Clinton had never listed proper criteria for applying the veto.
Some observers lamented that officials hadn't rescued the animal and were sad about its death.
While Facebook has previously lamented voter apathy, it did little to force users to vote.
FORBES: Apathetic Facebook Users Relinquish The Right To Vote On Facebook Privacy Changes
The magazine editor lamented that when she last worked, the Internet was not part of her job.
FORBES: Moms and the Sidelines: If You Leave the Workforce, Don't Abandon Your Career
"Having choices we don't like is no choice at all, " lamented Harry and Louise, the fictional couple.
"Newt Gingrich understands theatrics and showmanship, " the Senate's top Democrat minority leader Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) lamented.
The employers of MBA graduates have long lamented the disconnection between their classroom instruction and real-world experience.
One veteran civil servant I spoke to lamented that Britain's prime ministerial staff used to be tougher.
One prominent health-care consultant has lamented that doctors are the biggest single obstacle to reforming American medicine.
He lamented that Afghan politicians are rarely prosecuted for crimes, and if they are, they are often pardoned.
Some moderates from both parties have long lamented threats of delays and filibuster attempts of most presidential appointments.
My daughter who is far more savage on toy design than I can ever be lamented to me.
But they were far outnumbered by those who lamented Valentine's Day as artificial, contrived and absurdly overly commercialized.
Rodriguez lamented the loss of life, but said the peasant leaders did not order the attack on police.
"That's something that a team of artists cannot match up to, " Rehman lamented.
CNN: Bollywood poster painters face extinction in digital age
"We didn't do much of anything very well, " Nuggets coach George Karl lamented.
Further, Bernanke lamented the weak state of the job market and said policy-makers stand ready to act as needed.
FORBES: Gold Market Buoyed By Bernanke's Jackson Hole Remarks; QE Hopes Remain
Many have lamented the seeming decline of the US space program.
Others lamented that due to their nature, Kickstarter projects are prone to delays.