Every state and the District of Columbia now has at least one land-grant college.
This law, which paved the way for the sixty-nine land-grant colleges in the United States, remains profoundly important today.
As a public land-grant institution, the University of Maine is committed to serving the citizens of Maine, the nation and the world.
Ninety miles northwest of Detroit, Michigan State started as the nation's pioneer land-grant university, charged with using public land to teach practical subjects to augment the liberal arts tradition.
In sum, if online education is going to become the land-grant college of the 21st century, some measure of uniformity and mutual understanding needs to be implemented for the benefit of students, professors and administrators alike.
Dale Nordquist, associate director of the Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota, said Missouri's practical approach to understanding farm finances is relatively uncommon at large, land-grant universities where both students and professors are more likely to concentrate on theoretical approaches as opposed to practical solutions, and the use of personal data can still be seen as an intrusion.
This project is coordinated by some leading advocates for science and research in the country: the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), the Science Coalition, The Task Force on American Innovation, and United for Medical Research, with support from the Association of American Medical Colleges, the American Chemical Society, and the American Mathematical Society.
WHITEHOUSE: Golden Goose Award: Scientific Research Investments Paying Off | The White House
"That's because an Indian without land is not an Indian, " says Mr Ortiz, recalling the years of paperwork needed to get the government to grant them land where his community is building El Eden-Cartagena settlement.
In 1790s Georgia the decision by politicians to preserve for the public a 1-million-hectare swath of former Indian territory known as the Yazoo Land Grant spawned a rash of duels between real estate developers, loan sharks and legislators.
In 1790s Georgia the decision by politicians to preserve for the public a 2.5 million-acre swath of former Indian territory known as the Yazoo Land Grant spawned a rash of duels between real estate developers, loan sharks and legislators.