Farmers, whose main concern relates to land-ownership rights, would also have something to gain.
In the 17th century our British overlords didn't dream the colonies would become hotbeds of individual land-ownership.
Tafoni, as her floating residence is called, was designed to challenge conventional notions of land-ownership and to inspire simpler, more introspective living.
Land-ownership is important in peasant societies, especially so in Zimbabwe, where the pressure of an exploding population is combined with a pattern of holdings not greatly changed from that inherited at independence, and memories endure of the tracts that were awarded by the colonial government to whites.
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It has done little to tackle the rudimentary problem in Russia's agricultural sector -- namely the absence of institutionalized ownership of land -- and has likely retarded the privatization process.
Representatives from Galson Estate - also in community ownership - and Community Land Scotland attended.
And with land titles a confused mess of fragmented ownership, it is likely that land-hungry firms will stay away.
The Qoliqoli Bill's aim was to restore coastal ownership to indigenous Fijian land-owners, a move that it is feared could inhibit investment from hotel and other developers.
On the land-claims front, there have been a number of cases where aboriginal insistence that their rights be recognised before industrial development proceeds has led to agreements on job creation, revenue-sharing, training and land ownership.
Even before the debate began, government economists had been studying measures such as allowing more self-employment and private or co-operative ownership of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as reforming land tenure and freeing agricultural markets.
The city would retain ownership of the land, signing 99-year leases with private developers who would build the complexes.
Probably to more concentration of ownership in middle-sized farms, marginal land being converted to forestry.
Mr Cameron, who lives on community-owned land on North Harris, believes the landscape of ownership is changing.
But MG itself remains a fairly modest investment, compared - for example - with Indian Tata's ownership of Jaguar Land Rover.
The Supreme Court recently denied the farmers ownership of a 144-hectare track of land in Mindanao, so they are staging a vigil in protest.
In the 28 land deals totalling 2.64 million ha covered in a survey carried out last year by Norwegian People Aid1 in what is today largely South Sudan, there were no land sales with transfer of full ownership rights but rather long-term leases of between 30 and 60 years.
Income, asset and credit documentation requirements are rigorous, having a second mortgage or a Home Equity Line of Credit, condo or co-op ownership or unrealistic value expectations can add unforeseen land mines to the refinancing process.
"I think the situation here has been hampered by some of the problems with ownership, and the fact this has been private land - it's not been government land for the past five years and that has meant that the Department of Justice have had a very limited role to play, " Mr Weir said.
Unclear ownership also raises a big obstacle to the improvements in land-use planning that REDD must bring about.
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Even in Ethiopia, one of the prime recipients of land-based foreign direct investment in Africa, the law does not allow private ownership of the land, which belongs to the State.
On her party's suggestion that land should be leased and not acquired--as that won't change the ownership--the government has agreed to let individual states to decide, Ms. Swaraj said.
All of which is very good for the social side of agriculture - boosting employment (in the same way that artisanal fishing provides more jobs than the industrial kind), promoting local ownership of land and, in the poorest countries, mitigating against land-grabs.