To make their mice hypersensitive to explosives, the researchers altered the gene responsible for the DNT receptor so that the transgenic mice have as many as one million neurons in which the odor receptor is tuned to the fragrance of a land mine.
They have helped test the impact of nonlethal munitions like plastic and rubber bullets and have helped determine the best kind of footwear for land-mine clearance teams.
Ajilon Finance president Neil Lebovits believes that employees need to tread a fine line when discussing politics at work, describing the issue as "a potential land mine" capable of disturbing office harmony and antagonizing colleagues.
Vij said the suspected rebels triggered a land mine that blew up one of the cars.
She and her new husband, a war veteran who lost half of one foot to a land mine, bought a Mercedes van and have added a second floor to the home they inherited.
His May 9-15 visit will include trips to Arlington National Cemetery, Walter Reed National Medical Center and an exhibition on Capitol Hill about land mine clearance, a favorite subject of his late mother, Princess Diana.
At least one vehicle at the front of the convoy was then hit by a land-mine blast before as many as 200 suspected rebels opened fire, they added.
Indeed, it points to such laudable projects such as a low-cost, wind-powered land mine detonator -- not exactly the kind of thing one would pick up on the next Target run (even on sale).
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The delegation included experts on labor rights and economic development, rule of law and political reform, ethnic conflict and reconciliation, land-mine removal, and criminal justice.
Bragagnolo said the San Francisco mine is a 45, 000-hectare land package with gold reserves of 780, 000 ounces and sits in a major structural trend.
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Princess Diana actively had campaigned for a land-mine ban, and during her funeral, many television programs showed photos of her with Bosnian and Angolan victims.
After it finishes extracting what it believes is the small bit of gold still left in the old mine, it plans to turn the land into a park.
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But, according to the report, there remains a serious lack of battlefield helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, effective operational radios and mine-proof land vehicles.
In a separate incident, a Malian army vehicle drove over a land mine during a patrol Saturday around 110 kilometers (70 miles) from the northern Malian town of Ansongo, killing two people on board, said the Malian military.