The U.S. also pioneered innovations in university education, land ownership, home ownership and individual rights.
Even after they were freed from slavery the Bantu were denied political representation and rights to land ownership.
The special love Texans have for pickups may be connected with the functional demands of private land ownership.
The reformers have also been able to push through laws on private land ownership, deregulation and other pressing issues.
Indeed, for most of the history of government, land ownership was synonymous with having some sort of governmental power.
We have always thought that four things were needed to be in place for community land ownership to really happen.
Extremely unequal land ownership is both a cause and a consequence of the political conflicts that have plagued Colombia for decades.
Our correspondent says land ownership remains a highly politicised, emotive issue, and seizing Mr Smith's farm may be seen as a vote-winner.
There is no shortage of other discouragements: high inflation, bureaucracy, disputes over land ownership, and limits on foreign ownership in some industries.
They authorize private land ownership, but you can't buy and sell land.
Mr Mugabe has accepted the land ownership plan in principle, but says the deal will have to be approved by cabinet and his ruling Zanu-PF party.
Activists who say they represent the poor in Haiti, like human rights lawyer Mario Joseph, say unequal land ownership is the heart of the problem.
It would have a huge impact on crucial aspects of the economy, from the system of land ownership in the countryside to the financing of public services.
Even by Latin American standards land ownership remains highly unequal.
Pacific Rim also disputes the land ownership charge, claiming to own or lease all of the lands it is required to own in order to comply with Salvadoran mining laws.
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On the land-claims front, there have been a number of cases where aboriginal insistence that their rights be recognised before industrial development proceeds has led to agreements on job creation, revenue-sharing, training and land ownership.
Scottish Labour's Ken MacIntosh welcomed the bill but said: "it misses an opportunity to move the land reform agenda on a pace" saying Scotland still enjoyed the most inequitable land ownership in Europe with absentee landowners.
The basis for a deal may be found in the shared belief that the huge inequality in land ownership in the country needs to be tackled, says the BBC's correspondent in Colombia's capital Bogota, Arturo Wallace.
The response from Mr Singh should be a push to explain to Congress and the country how reforms to land ownership or government efficiency or the retail sector would help to improve the mood and hence India's economic fortunes.
Farmers, whose main concern relates to land-ownership rights, would also have something to gain.
In the 17th century our British overlords didn't dream the colonies would become hotbeds of individual land-ownership.
Tafoni, as her floating residence is called, was designed to challenge conventional notions of land-ownership and to inspire simpler, more introspective living.
Land-ownership is important in peasant societies, especially so in Zimbabwe, where the pressure of an exploding population is combined with a pattern of holdings not greatly changed from that inherited at independence, and memories endure of the tracts that were awarded by the colonial government to whites.
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Much of it has been abandoned and there's no central land registry of ownership.
Cathy Bolshaw, of STRiFE, said keeping the "vital piece" of Park Street land in public ownership was important because it was "crucial" to the development.
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And with land titles a confused mess of fragmented ownership, it is likely that land-hungry firms will stay away.
Even in Ethiopia, one of the prime recipients of land-based foreign direct investment in Africa, the law does not allow private ownership of the land, which belongs to the State.
This argues that market reforms in pastoralism cannot work without the private ownership of land.