On a good day, they could each make more than two hundred after paying our landlady.
Cellini's landlady hasn't connected with the world since the 1950s--even microwave ovens utterly baffle her.
Mulqueen was arrested Wednesday when his landlady complained he was harassing her, police said last week.
Pub landlady Tracey Reading and barmaid Steph Birnie were on hand with towels and blankets.
After my landlady left, I stood before the only window in my room, which faced the street.
The bodies were found at Auchinleck House in Tidworth on Saturday when the landlady visited the flat.
Small Island, Levy's fourth novel, is set in post-war England and centres on a landlady and her lodgers.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Levy takes Whitbread novel prize
Hospitality in these valleys is a duty and a pleasure, and every landlady I meet wants me to try her specialities.
Mulqueen was arrested in February when his landlady complained he was harassing her.
If my landlady demanded more, I would have to look for another place.
There, a prickly instability, characteristic of his childhood, re-emerged, perhaps brought on by a rebuff from his landlady's daughter.
The pub landlady offered to provide the service when she heard school dinners were having to be shipped in.
The landlady, who lived next door, was a widow in her seventies.
Fans of the BBC One comedy Not Going Out may finally see the friendship between landlady, Lucy, and her flatmate develop into romance.
BBC: Lee Mack reveals Not Going Out has two different endings
It has not been announced whether any characters will die in the blaze, although several are being written out, including landlady Peggy Mitchell.
The court heard on Monday how Bruce's friend William Davies took the gun and used it to kill Llangadog pub landlady Caroline Evans in February.
The body of the boys' father Graham Anderson is believed to have been discovered hanging in the flat when the landlady went there on Saturday.
Page, the retired mother of an actress who lazily gossips with her landlady (Schultz.) When McNall intrudes as a hopeful, naive suitor of her daughter, Mrs.
The first seat was unveiled in 2010 and honours Flossie Lane the former landlady of the last parlour pub in the UK, which is in Lentwardine.
None of them was married, but whenever an agent stopped by, the man he was visiting would borrow the generous-spirited landlady and present her as his wife.
Norwich City Council are adamant they are working with the interests of the landlord and landlady of the Queen Charlotte to keep gigs going at the venue.
Recent openings include A Day in the Life of Joe Egg, The Play What I Wrote and Vincent in Brixton (about Van Gogh's love affair with his London landlady).
She and other jurors found that Gerhartsreiter, who lived briefly in California in the 1980s, killed John Sohus, a 27-year-old computer programmer who was the son of the defendant's landlady.
Brian Smart, whose wife Elizabeth is landlady, would have mixed feelings if the pub was rebuilt at the museum but said it would be "better than seeing it go to dust".
This week the European Court of Justice will hear a landmark case brought by a Portsmouth-based pub landlady, which could change the landscape of how sports broadcasting rights are sold across Europe.
BBC: Pub landlady takes on the Premier League at European Court
Since the death of a family at their home in Camborne last month, and a St Ives landlady in January, Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said its helpline had received more than 80 calls a day.
BBC: Fire service sees rise in carbon monoxide poisoning cases
Suchen wondered what the landlady would tell her children about the runaway tenant at the next Thanksgiving dinner or perhaps the incident would have been forgotten by then, and an ad would already have brought a replacement for Suchen.
The tweed coat had been green when my father bought it for me in London that spring, but the nice old landlady at the little Scottish inn where we were staying when he was taken ill had firmly sent it out to be dyed the day before the funeral.