This is a tablet clearly designed to be held in a landscapeorientation when enjoying media, and held thusly, you'll find micro-USB and micro-HDMI ports on the bottom.
Fotopedia Magazine is a stream of original travel articles and photos updated daily in a Web browser -- not an app -- yet the content is presented in a way that is best appreciated on the iPad's landscapeorientation.
Ultra-portable yet powerful and packed with features the new vjay for edition takes full advantage of the phone's widescreen aspect ratio (16:9) and replicates the wow factor of the existing iPad version on a palm-sized scale thanks to a dynamic user interface that automatically adapts to portrait and landscapeorientation.
The orientation sensor automatically adjusts between portrait and landscape mode in most applications when the device is tilted, and the 2-Axis Accelerometer is great for controlling games that need simultaneous steering and acceleration.
Whereas the Note 10.1 positioned its speakers on the front face (read: out of the way of consumers' hands), the Note 8.0's smaller size and portrait orientation mean users will have to be mindful about not covering the lower speaker when watching video in landscape.