The famously eager British press--and the public at large--lapped up news about the enigmatic billionaire.
And Tiger Woods absolutely -in his first tournament of the year - absolutely lapped the field.
That car lapped this joint in 1:25, two full seconds slower than the F12.
WSJ: 2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta Review: Tech That Makes Drivers Into Gods | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
The waves lapped more frequently on the sand behind my house, rocks rolling noisily over themselves.
He lapped up every last drop and then leaned against me for the very first time.
The shallows lapped from different directions at the tree as if almost teething on it.
Investors lapped up the shares, driving their value up by 7.4% to 8.31 euros in European trading.
Outside, waves lapped the black shore, and tinny music blared from a party way down the beach.
Ah, back when the waves lapped against the shores and then pulled back.
Lance has always savored attention and lapped up adoration, things lacking in is his life as scandal engulfed him.
In April, mission scientists announced Opportunity had found conclusive evidence that a salty sea once lapped the shores of Meridiani.
Not a heavyweight politician of Mr Ramaphosa's calibre, Mr Sexwale nevertheless had his eyes on the presidency and lapped up publicity.
You know, in the '70s the Japanese lapped them because they were doing the fuel efficient cars when gasoline started getting expensive.
What's more, Schumacher himself ran out of fuel before his second pit stop and then found himself lapped by the outstanding Alonso.
Even with your latest update to your app, which gave it a snappier looking photo button, you just got lapped by Flickr.
FORBES: Marissa Mayer Just Embarrassed Twitter And Instagram With The New Flickr Mobile App Update
New listings are lapped up: a recent one was 50 times oversubscribed.
Waters lapped against some downtown buildings, forcing shops such as Hawg Pit BBQ to clear out and detours to be established around town.
For Harrington, the most impressive thing about McIlroy's record this far is how he "lapped the field" in both of his major wins.
Massive mountains of carefully sorted tyres, planks and other detritus rise like burial mounds along the coastline, lapped by a now gentle sea.
The trouble with this is that you have to suffer the indignity of being lapped by people whose marathon preparation is presumably right on track.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | The loneliness of the long distance bloater
He measured troubling subterranean fires, flames that lapped from the ground.
"The fact that Fernando Alonso and Jarno Trulli lapped a couple of seconds faster than us is certainly not explainable by different fuel loads, " Hamashima added in Gazzetta dello Sport.
BBC: SPORT | Motorsport | Formula One | Bridgestone accepts Ferrari blame
The Tokyo-based company hopes the renewed retail presence will reinvigorate enthusiasm for products, like its Vaio laptops and Walkman music players, both of which have been lapped by Apple's competing devices.
While this phone is certainly geared at cameraphone fans that lapped up the N8, we found the interface on the 808 PureView was far more accessible and quick -- especially compared to its iOS and Android rivals.
ENGADGET: Nokia 808 PureView impressions, camera showdown with the iPhone 4S and HTC One S
As a result visits are over lapped, carers are forced to travel from one side of town to the other, there are unreliable staff who constantly go off sick due to being overworked, and it's the client who suffers as a result.
His thirst insane, the tiger lapped up water from the leaky fountain where the flower women filled their buckets, and then put his nose into the face of a sleeping child who had been left, wrapped in blankets, under the pancake stand.
The morning haze had burned off, and in the noon light the brackish water appeared deceptively lovely, its surface undisturbed except for a single Jet Ski carving a white wake whose exhausted wavelets lapped at the riprap at the side of the road.