Using a magnetic gate like this has potential to reduce the heat involved in processing largeamountsofinformation, which could lead to much faster chips.
Sending largeamountsofinformation down an optical fibre is done by encoding many separate streams of data as pulses of light of different colours, so that they can travel along the fibre without interfering with each other.
Each of these three examples represents a variation of a more general theme: the ability of digital technologies to afford ready access to largeamountsofinformation can be tremendously dangerous, due to the ease with which bad information can be pushed out and widely disseminated.
Data loss prevention systems are useful for monitoring end user activities and identifying suspicious patterns of behavior on the network, like accessing unusually largeamountsof sensitive information.
There has been some speculation that both kinds of business model will be undermined by the rise of free social networks such as Facebook, which make it easy for people to share largeamountsof personal information with one another.
Granite uses a combination of virtualization technology and wide area network (WAN) optimization, which makes it possible to store largeamountsof data in the hub centers, yet transmit information to multiple offices in a short period of time.
They used new techniques that can identify ancient genetic information from an archaeological find, even when largeamountsof DNA from soil bacteria are also present.