He turned three large white gallery pillars into square trees, topped by canopies of uniform white leaves.
Its costs are lower, too: it does not buy large white SUVs or employ large white men.
Mr French said his friend is known as a "top breeder" of Large White pigs, which were among those that perished.
She carried her large white purse on a long chain over one shoulder, and had covered her hair with a dupatta.
The large white owl first visited the islands in 2003 and had previously flown around North Uist, Lewis, Harris and St Kilda.
As the rock that tied them all together, it is fitting that his plaque sits upon on a large white rose quartz boulder.
The standard version of the watch uses a black dial with large white luminous numerals along with a red Alpina triangle on the second hand.
Written on pink paper, the ad sits next to large white placards where the day's articles are written in pen and hung on a wall outside the municipal theater.
The first thing Ms. Bower saw when she visited the building was "the large white bubble" located on Second Avenue, a "muck house" used to store rock bored out for subway tunnels.
As I reluctantly trudged my way further up the misty mountain towards the western ridge above Chele La, hundreds of large white Darchor prayer flags fluttered in the fierce winds that buffeted the exposed slopes.
Using an eye tracker, she found that college-age people rotate the bottles, enabling them to see all the informational stickers that pharmacists attach, whereas older people focus on just the bottle's large white label.
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Amateur video show by Russian television depicted a white streak of light like the cloud from a jetliner quickly expanding to a large white ball that eventually sent shock waves throughout the city of Chelyabinsk.
At one point during the tour, our tour guide stopped his Jeep in the middle of a grassy field and pointed to his left at a group of what appeared to be about 25 to 30 large, white birds who were feeding in a marsh.
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Although, the wealth gap was extremely large for single white women as well.
The Bush Administration lacks economic vision and energy, and "Lame Duck" is writ large across the White House.
The Republican Party is a party that just happens to have a large percentage of white people voting for it.
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Large windows, white linen tablecloths and red-shaded chandeliers give the interior a warm elegance, made for a romantic end to a ski vacation.
Added to this is the popularity of eating large servings of white rice with every meal, as well as sweets loaded with sugar and milk.
Black individuals or companies could buy large holdings in white companies in the hope of paying off their debts through dividend payments and rising share prices.
Nevada became a bastion for Republicans in the '70s and '80s when a population boom brought a large number of white, "Reagan Republicans" to the state.
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When we look at Les Demoiselles today we don't simply see a large blue, white and pink painting inspired by Cezanne and African masks, as Matisse and Apollinaire once did.
After gathering precise measurements of the rotation and velocity of an incoming asteroid, two large clouds of white paintballs would be shot at the asteroid from a nearby spaceship.
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But by ignoring the established corporate financing agencies (such as the large banks and white shoe brokerage houses) and traditional corporate finance methods, Drexel and the Milkens upset many an established power.
Pasted on the outside of nine tall white panels, some walled at right angles to form squares, are large black-and-white images of incongruous and somewhat inscrutable things, including the front of a camera and two men conversing.
He had a presence, with his voluminous chest and large head of wild white hair.
And, because the middle class has expanded, it can supply a large part of the white-collar workforce.
You're going to be losing a large portion of your white collar workforce, your engineering and design talent.
Miller described it as a large closet with padded white walls and gear and gizmos strung from two central beams.
"There is no doubt that a large part of the white-minority economic divide is reflected in the disproportionate minority representation among the nation's renters, " said William H.
She appears in red with twisted and distorted limbs, fingernails that curve into large hook shapes and white hair that appears like a cloud out of head and down her back.
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