It is removing the baseball-size tips from its Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles and installing a low-power laser in those tips.
The countermove the Pentagon has on order requires affixing under each chopper a 50-pound basketball-size turret that uses a low-power laser to jam and deflect incoming missiles.
It would not start with the proposed test of the MIRACL laser against the third Miniature Sensor Technology Integration (MSTI-3) satellite. (For that matter, these assets were used in an inconclusive low-power laser test last April.) And it assuredly would not stop if the Clinton Administration chooses not to conduct the high-power experiment now being proposed by the Army.
Electrical engineers at Stanford University have created nanoscale optical lines that use much less power than the laser connectors found in computers today.
The high average power infrared Free Electron Laser (FEL) provides intense beams of laser light that can be tuned to atmosphere-penetrating wavelengths.
Moses says that together with emerging laser amplification technology that is less power hungry, and the huge energy gain from the fission reaction, a combo reactor would deliver 200 times the energy it consumes.
That means the laser can operate at a much higher power, and thus get a result faster.
With this early model, the laser had to be set on low power to stop the plastic overheating, or even catching fire.
That could happen about five years from now, perhaps using a laser on the International Space Station to transmit solar power collected by its panels to Earth.
The FAA attributes the massive increase in incidents to laser pointers being more widely available online, stronger power levels, and an increase in green lasers which are easier to see, as well as better reporting of the incidents by pilots.
Stacked with laser scanners, radar, cameras and loads of processing power, the race's robots nimbly avoided each other.
Such intense lasers are better suited to power-beaming because the cells that collect the laser light can be smaller.
The U.S. military has also invested in a range of flexible solar-panel technologies designed to power everything from night vision equipment and image intensification devices to laser-range finders, battlefield-ready laptop computers.
FORBES: Solar Power Brings NetCentric Warfare to Afghanistan
The Stanford university team, which won DARPA's last 132-mile robotic race through the Mojave Desert event in 2005, has outfitted its more chic Volkswagon Passat with eight laser sensors and two of Intel's quad-core blade servers, dwarfing the Cybervan's processing power.
The result was an electric power play goal early in the third period where Crosby took a pass from Evgeni Malkin then fired a laser at Neal's stick.