Finding cancers early saves many times that amount compared with the cost of late-stage cancer treatment, she notes.
Dr. James Lah, assistant professor of neurology at Emory University School of Medicine, likens this to late-stage cancer.
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At a meeting of oncologists the two companies were slated to present impressive results of human trials, suggesting the drugs added months to the lives of late-stage cancer patients.
Since 1990, Von Hoff says, there have been 34 late-stage trials of drugs aimed at late-stage pancreatic cancer, including this one.
FORBES: Celgene's Abraxane Extends Life By 1.8 Months In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
One type of chemotherapy works about 6% of the time in late-stage lung cancer.
As in late-stage colon cancer, overall median survival was extended by only a few months.
Two different personalized medicines were approved for use last year, including a new treatment for late-stage breast cancer.
FORBES: The Lifesaving Promise Of The Pharmaceutical Drug Pipeline
Women without insurance were 2.4 times as likely to have late-stage breast cancer upon diagnosis than women with private insurance.
FORBES: Why Health Insurance is Not the Same Thing as Health Care
It's very important, however, says Saltz, to keep in perspective that Eloxatin is by no means a cure for late-stage colorectal cancer, and that it does not represent a breakthrough in the way cancer is treated.
But for women with the most advanced breast cancers, one-year survival ranged from 53% in the UK to 67% in Sweden - and there was still a 14% difference between the UK and Sweden in three-year survival for those with late-stage breast cancer.
Separately, Millennium Pharmaceuticals (nasdaq: MLNM - news - people ) used similar chips in its late-stage clinical studies of its cancer drug, Velcade.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved vandetanib to treat adult patients with late-stage (metastatic) medullarythyroid cancer who are ineligible for surgery and who have disease that is growing or causing symptoms.
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Genentech (nyse: DNA - news - people ) shares have doubled since May when a late-stage 900-patient study showed that Avastin significantly extended the lives of colorectal cancer patients.
Last year, Avastin failed to help breast cancer patients in a late-stage trial.
Gold says the evidence for Provenge is stronger than for other new cancer treatments, with three different late-stage studies showing a combined survival benefit.
Late last year, Upshaw was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.
Pharmion has a treatment for small cell lung cancer that is about to enter a late-stage clinical trial.
Based on the new resultsRoche is planning to launch a late-stage trial of its PD-L1 inhibitor in lung-cancer patients, while Bristol-Myers is moving its combination regimen into late-phase studies as well.
In a late-stage clinical trial, Avastin failed to help patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Among the bargain stocks, Berry says, is Cell Genesys (nasdaq: CEGE - news - people ), which has a number of products in late stage-three trials, including a vaccine for non-small cell lung cancer.
To take one of many examples, a group of researchers at the American Cancer Society looked at 533, 715 women with breast cancer, and asked: When those women were first diagnosed with breast cancer, were they diagnosed with early-stage or late-stage disease?
FORBES: Why Health Insurance is Not the Same Thing as Health Care
Read said Pfizer's mid- to late-stage drug pipeline "continues to strengthen with key potential opportunities, " including drugs for advanced breast cancer and three other types of cancer, one for high cholesterol and a meningococcal B vaccine for adolescents and young adults.
But breakthroughs in targeting suspect genes in prostate cancer have yielded a tsunami of new drugs, with 100 now in mid- to late-stage human trials, almost triple the number in 1997.