• City Manager Troy Schulte said it appeared an accident by a utility contractor had caused the blast, and a statement from utility Missouri Gas Energy late Tuesday reiterated that possibility, but Berardi and others cautioned that the cause was still being investigated.

    NPR: Official: Cadaver Dogs Search In Kansas City Blast

  • McLaughlin blames the bankruptcy on one of his employees and on Duke itself for inflating gas prices in late 2000.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Cheney predicted the impact would not be felt on domestic oil and gas prices until late 1999 and early 2000, a prediction that proved to be accurate.

    CNN: Dems blame Cheney for gasoline price surge

  • Analysts say the move will be a big blow to the Iranian energy industry - it means Iran is now unlikely to significantly increase its gas exports until late into the next decade.

    BBC: US warns Iran on missile threat

  • Most gassy deals of late have involved global oil and gas supermajors, like ExxonMobil buying XTO Energy, and BP and Total picking up assets from Chesapeake Energy and others.

    FORBES: With Gas Deal, Consol Strives To Turn Coal Green

  • Matt Simmons, the energy analyst who spotted America's falling natural-gas supplies in the late 1990s, told Dow Jones this month that he fears for the Saudis' ability to act as OPEC's swing producer indefinitely.

    ECONOMIST: Let’s see them stick to this one | The

  • His immediate challenge is to overturn the Sept. 23 ruling by Curtis Wagner , chief judge of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, that El Paso restricted the flow of gas into California in late 2000 and early 2001.

    FORBES: Hot Seat

  • Rather, the near-crisis was over the wisdom of Western nations subsidizing construction of a huge, two-strand Soviet gas pipeline that would, when completed, greatly increase the dependency of a number of NATO countries on Moscow's natural gas supplies in the late 1990s and 21st century.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Coal use declines from the late 2010s onwards, and by 2030 gas has surpassed it, providing a quarter of all the world's energy.

    ECONOMIST: Shale gas should make the world a cleaner, safer place

  • It all started when the government introduced competition into gas and electricity markets in the late 1990s to drive prices down.

    BBC: Person making a phone call

  • In a meeting held late Monday, the panel approved 25 oil and gas exploration projects.

    WSJ: India Clears Projects Worth Several Billion Dollars

  • But the paragraph calling for the voluntary participation of developing countries in greenhouse-gas reductions was struck out during the late-night haggling.

    ECONOMIST: Global warming

  • By the same token, he had supported a regional cap-and-trade scheme to trim greenhouse-gas emissions in Massachusetts before renouncing it late in his governorship.

    ECONOMIST: Mitt Romney��s chances

  • Of late, big oil companies have found plenty of gas.

    ECONOMIST: An unconventional bonanza

  • Before leaving the Bell Rocket Belt, it's worth noting that Mr. Li's essential innovation powering a jetpack by way of a pressurized umbilicus is exactly how Bell engineer Wendell Moore tested his first prototype in the late 1950s, except Mr. Moore used nitrogen gas instead of water.

    WSJ: Jetlev R200 Jetpack: Personal Flight, Beyond Bond

  • That oil and gas will come to the US. The ban on drilling for oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico was lifted late last year.

    FORBES: How the Wall Street Journal Set Off a Firestorm Against Petrobras

  • Utility executives made commitments in the late 1990s to what was supposed to be cheap natural gas, only to see prices spike as supplies tightened, contributing to the California power crisis and sending some companies into bankruptcy.

    WSJ: Daniel Yergin on the Shale Gas Revolution: Stepping on the Gas

  • The climate committee must decide by late 2011 the best way to put a price on greenhouse-gas emissions: an ETS, a carbon tax or a hybrid of both.

    ECONOMIST: The government considers a carbon tax

  • Algerian gas and electricity company, CEEG opened the tender late last month to local and international outfits, marking one step towards a progressive national goal of 650MW by 2015 and building towards 22, 000MW by 2030, with output almost evenly split between domestic and export demand.

    FORBES: Algeria Takes Solar Steps with Tender and Grand Plans

  • Surveillance tape late Thursday showed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Suspect No. 2, at a gas station.

    NPR: A Look At Boston Marathon Bombing, Investigation

  • The W8 is good for that, because its added power means you can accelerate late and still manage that merge into traffic, or jump on the gas hard when a small window opens to pass on a two-lane country highway.

    FORBES: Test Drives

  • Its accusation has echoes of Sakhalin-2, the massive oil and gas project that the Russian government wrested control of from Shell late last year. (See: "Russia Shows Sakhalin Partners Who The Boss Is") Though this time there may well have been some environmental violations by the project members, Kazakhstan's real gripe with Eni has been the project's string of delays.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Its accusation has echoes of Sakhalin-2, the massive oil and gas project that the Russian government wrested control of from Shell late last year. (See: "Russia Shows Sakhalin Partners Who The Boss Is") Though this time there may well have been some environmental violations by the project members, Kazakhstan's real gripe with Eni (nyse: E - news - people ) has been the project's string of delays.

    FORBES: Kazakhstan Not Doing Eni Good

  • An industry association, America's Natural Gas Alliance, had not seen the report and had no comment late Thursday.

    NPR: Report: Flaws In EPA Drilling Pollution Data

  • In late 2002 Macaulay noticed that prices were hanging low instead of following the jump in natural gas prices, as they normally do.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • American Electric Power agreed late Friday in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, to retire or switch to natural gas two coal-burning units at the Muskingum River power plant in Ohio and the Tanners Creek power plant in Indiana by the end of 2015.

    WSJ: Settlement binds power co. to stop burning coal

  • Of late, the U.S. oil field services sector has been impacted by weak natural gas pricing, which has taken its toll on companies that offer pressure pumping services.

    FORBES: Halliburton Earnings Preview: Offshore Growth In Focus

  • As a result, in late January they made an announcement that fertilizer producers will be first in line to get any natural gas.

    FORBES: Why Taiwan Deserves Investor Attention

  • In the late 1990s Benz Energy, a Vancouver-exchange-listed exploration company, stumbled while developing the Oakvale gas field in Mississippi but stayed alive by selling assets to Prime Natural Resources.

    FORBES: Iraq's Wildcats

  • Military and armaments experts say the government started to stockpile chemical weapons in the late 1970's, and now possesses or is capable of producing VS agents, sarin and mustard gas.

    WSJ: Syria Chemical Report Spurs Probes, Theories

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