John Denham was, until March 2003, a middle ranking minister, latterly serving at the Home Office.
Profit margins are under pressure from high oil prices and, latterly, from a pickup in wage growth.
ECONOMIST: Europe��s monetary policy: The wages of sin | The
Eto'o also won the prestigious award in 2003, 2004 and 2005 while playing in Spain, latterly with Barcelona.
Mr Duncan had been a member of the Crescent Church in Belfast for many years, latterly as a church elder.
BBC: Man dies after falling into sea near Portstewart harbour
Tory Euroscepticism grew more virulent, as latterly did the determination of the remaining Tory Europhiles not to surrender to it.
He is the chairman of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise and was latterly chairman of Scottish government agency, Skills Development Scotland.
The Riche also faced dastardly new competitors, from sports bars and foreign chains to low-rent hookah joints and latterly the internet.
In 1956 Mr Vernon went to Harvard and stayed there for the rest of his career, latterly as professor of international affairs.
His convicted killer son, latterly of Inverness, has always maintained his innocence.
He said the lease's importance to islanders had "slipped below the radar" and only latterly had the issue come to the attention of ministers.
Kikkoman, for example, founded in 1630 and now the world's leading maker of soy sauce, has expanded into food flavouring and, latterly, into biotech.
There is a similar story at Barclays, where the CDS price has increased more than a third latterly to more than 240 basis points.
That sense of family extends to their crew and their legion of fans, all of whom have discovered the band through word-of-mouth and, latterly, the Internet.
It does not believe that wage cuts are necessary to restore competitiveness and to reduce unemployment, the accepted wisdom in places like Ireland and, latterly, Greece.
ECONOMIST: Rigidities in the labour market make recovery even harder
The banks look healthy largely because of repeated capital infusions, initially from the Chinese government but latterly also from foreign strategic partners and the capital markets.
Previously popular as a terminal for ferries to and from the Isle of Wight it was latterly used as the backdrop for The Who's rock opera Tommy.
Latterly, Mr Cummings moved into the market for antique weapons.
The serious case review said Child BO5's parents "had been involved in a long-standing relationship punctuated by significant periods of instability, marital violence and alcohol misuse, particularly latterly by mother".
Becoming a proponent of Mr Sharon's unilateral disengagement and latterly backing former US President George W Bush's call for the formation of a Palestinian state was a major ideological transition for Ms Livni.
Latterly, the reluctance of his party first to make common cause with the Scottish Nationalists, then to put euthanasia in its manifesto, made him choose in 2001 to stand, not altogether gloriously, as an independent.
His enjoyable and informative canter through three millennia of intellectual and religious history highlights the many ways, ingenious, beautiful, wrongheaded or mad, in which humans have tried to define paradise, seek it or, latterly, create it.
The plan also involves parachuting in as chief executive of the Fiat parent company Enrico Bondi, an old Mediobanca hand who made his reputation turning round the Ferruzzi agro-chemicals business and, latterly, sorting out troubled Telecom Italia.
Moreover, he says he will listen more to his party colleagues and campaigners than latterly Mr Bildt did: he seemed more interested in foreign policy than in trying, year after year, to break the age-old mould of Swedish politics.
Latterly its reputation has improved, although its decision to drop the Saudi Arabian aspect of a corruption case against BAE Systems saw it widely criticised, because it was seen to be buckling under pressure from the then government of Tony Blair.
Many immigrants were marooned at the bottom end of the labour market, some in doomed industries such as textiles, cut off from their families and latterly relegated in government priorities, as they saw it, to a place below new European migrants.
The 45-year-old Frenchman -- who will lead the side known as the 'Indomitable Lions' for the first time against Austria -- follows in the footsteps of Winfried Schafer, Artur Jorge, Arie Haan and latterly Otto Pfister to become the African nations fifth European coach since 2004.
Fozzard joined the Robins from St Helens on a two-year contract at the start of the season but latterly has been in and out of the side and was left out of the team by Morgan, Rhys Morgan preferred to the former Great Britain prop forward at the Jungle.
"Although I love the country as a second home and one that has treated me incredibly well, I would, as a concerned parent first -- and latterly, of a one-year-old daughter who may attend an American elementary school like Sandy Hook in three years' time -- seriously consider deporting myself, " he wrote.