As Gandhi famously said, First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
If you tell your friends you are buying an Eee Pad instead of an iPad, they will laugh at you.
"You ought to know by now that if you start to ask me those questions, I'll just laugh at you, " he said.
"There just seems to be nothing in place in stop them doing whatever they like and they just laugh at you, " he added.
Nowadays scientists would laugh at you. 3 oC is a good guess, 4.5 at the limits of believability at the top end and perhaps 1 or 1.5 at the low.
"If you said to Juande Ramos to get rid of all his top players and give him 'X' amount and say get to the Champions League last eight he would just laugh at you, " he suggested.
You never laugh at the sickness and the people but you laugh at the absurdity of life.
"If you laugh at our suits, you're getting thrown out of here, " quipped Graham Nash.
You wouldn't laugh during a conference where the boss says quarterly earnings are at an all-time low but you would laugh if the boss told a funny (or at least he thinks it's funny) joke.
You have to be able to laugh at many things, because when you think of the worse things in the world that could happen to your company, they will happen.
You need a creative bottle design, something that will be embarrassing enough to make all the people at TSA laugh when they make you hurl it in the trash at the airport.
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Gents with No Cents will make you laugh at the ignorance and cry at the incompetence.
Laugh all you want at the crazy market caps for e-commerce stocks.
This book will make you laugh at all the stupid things we do for dogs and with dogs, while it treats us to some of the crazy things that dogs themselves do.
If it's not, you don't laugh -- or at very worst, you can leave quietly.
If you don't laugh at least a couple of times a day in lockdown, you won't make it through the year.
So many possibilities: Do you want to be alerted any time someone loses their cookies on the the Tea Cup ride so you can laugh at them?
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But take the threat seriously so that you can still laugh at those commercials!
"You do not laugh at Mr. Glock, " says Christopher Edwards, the burly former deputy sheriff of Jefferson County, Ky.
You may laugh (especially at this picture), but this is reflective of the historical fact that there was traditionally very few women at MIT.
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Do you know how to laugh at yourself?
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at Girls Inc. of Omaha Event
This post is more likely to make you cry rather than laugh, which is not good at this time of year.