The figures were presented at a news conference to launch the campaign's Men's Cancer Awareness month on Thursday.
Wales rugby assistant coach Robin McBryde helped to launch the campaign by attending his own risk assessment at a pharmacy in Carmarthen.
As with the launch of the campaign last week, Tony Blair put the abolition of poverty at the centre of his speech to launch the manifesto.
The funding covers the period from the launch of the campaign in May 2012 until the end of March 2013.
Paul Carter opened trading at the London launch of the campaign.
BBC: Kent council leader opens trading on London Stock Exchange
And since the launch of the October campaign there have been 30, 000 more Mormon profiles to look at.
We've been working with Epic since the launch of the Kickstarter campaign to make the Oculus integration for Unreal Engine as high-performance as possible.
ENGADGET: Unreal Engine 3 adding Oculus Rift support this April, Epic Citadel demo packed in
Since its launch, the campaign has been a huge success, receiving over 500 posts, a reach of 258k twitter users and over one million impressions in only its second week.
The launch of the Food Hygiene Campaign coincides with the publication of the second annual Consumer Attitudes to Food study, which revealed an alarming rise in public concerns over food poisoning.
It follows a weekend which saw the Tories become the first party to officially launch their campaign, with David Cameron on the campaign trail in Wales on Friday.
"Six years after the launch of the CWU's campaign, hundreds of thousands of agency workers across the UK can now finally look forward to some basic employment fairness, " he said.
The Commission's already spent money on a logo and slogan both of which will be unveiled at the launch of the anti-smoking campaign on Tuesday and which will be followed up by a series of EU wide TV and cinema adverts.
BBC: Mundo | Aprenda ingl��s | Campa?a anti-tabaco en Europa
The health minister will launch the public health campaign later this week although it starts on Wednesday across Wales' 700 community pharmacies.
BBC: Stroke campaign by pharmacists to cut number of victims
The party will launch its local elections campaign at the conference.
The Clinton administration has announced its intention to launch a campaign to resuscitate the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) rejected last October by a majority of the Senate.
But at the launch of the Conservatives' local election campaign on North Tyneside, Mr Cameron said the government now had a "time horizon".
The campaign coincides with the launch of an initiative by the children's charity Barnardo's to encourage toddlers to take more exercise.
The pollution problem prompted Webasto to launch a campaign to raise awareness of the idling issue.
The shocking statistic has prompted the international organisation to launch a global campaign to improve sanitation for the 2.5 billion people whose health is at risk.
The triumphal return of Jobs in 1997 and the launch of the "Think Different" ad campaign sparked a revival-among the cult followers.
Mr Russell called for the government to launch a public information campaign to warn youngsters about the dangers of listening to MP3 players at excessive volumes.
At the launch of the Lib Dem English local elections campaign, Sir Menzies Campbell said he welcomed the fact Mr Brown had taken responsibility for the decision.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Brown defends pensions decision
But there has been significant Buzz among the 18-34 demographic since the campaign launch.
There was something of a public-relations embarrassment after it emerged British National Party politician Richard Barnbrook was at the campaign launch.
It my pleasure and honour to join you today to launch the first National Immunization Campaign against Polio in Angola this year.
Northern Ireland Environment Minister Angela Smith also attended the campaign launch.
She said protesters would be looking to launch a campaign against the closures which would include an online petition, demonstration and a public meeting on 12 February.
That means the majority of the leads were being created within the first three days of launch, regardless of how long the campaign was left in the market (this is not uncommon).
The Director-General, who will serve as Executive Secretary of the Steering Committee for the campaign, spoke at the launch and called for scaling up education and literacy for women to ensure that mothers put their children into school, for training more and better qualified teachers and for transforming education to develop global citizenship.
As the first meeting under new governor Haruhiko Kuroda concluded, the BOJ decided to launch an aggressive new easing campaign, providing the Tokyo market with incentives to outperform the region for the second straight session.