This would involve launching a spacecraft able to give the asteroid a nudge to change its orbit.
Expect to see more of these types of acquisitions or applications launching from Dropbox.
Verizon has joined a host of other megacorps in launching so-called innovation centers across the world.
Since launching the database BrightScope has been faced with plenty of criticism from financial advisors.
But Blinder obviously could not be bothered to understand the proposal before launching his attack.
"Longer term, launching direct services to Amsterdam would be an interesting proposition, " he says.
She said the EIS was launching a campaign to address the issue of growing teacher workloads.
BBC: New curriculum workload 'too high', EIS union survey warns
Google has responded by launching Google Plus, in a direct head-on competition with Facebook.
FORBES: Should Google Have Dropped Android Instead of Buying Motorola?
But often these people will not have had any experience in launching a new venture.
FORBES: What Are the Right Schools of Experience for Teachers in New Schools?
We started reshaping these pages in late September after launching The Forbes 400.
If Nokia dallies it may be left behind by rivals who are already launching cheap tablets.
We have also changed the way we deliver aid by launching the Millennium Challenge Account.
Most see a greater role for the private sector in launching astronauts to low-Earth orbit.
Sheen spoke to BBC Wales when he was in Port Talbot launching the project last year.
This time, Google is launching an initiative it calls Full Value of Mobile.
FORBES: What's A Mobile Ad Worth? Google Would Love To Show You
But Luminate is now launching a number of other apps that can be embedded in images.
FORBES: Pixazza Rebrands As Luminate With Platform For Image Apps
Yankees President Randy Levine will be the lead person responsible for launching the team.
Deutsche Telekom executives maintained that their delay in launching 3G data networks hasn't hurt T-Mobile much.
The website Gransnet, an online community for the over-50s, is launching a series of local sites.
Meanwhile, Comcast said it was launching a test of use-based pricing in unspecified markets.
Since launching the company in 1985, Mr. Topitzes has watched badge styles become more up-to-date.
WSJ: Conventional Wisdom: Nametags Say a Whole Lot About You
YouSendIt is also launching a new mobile app that enables people to view all their files.
Pressure group Stonewall Cymru marked the start of the festival by launching a campaign against discrimination.
Kennedy was launching his political career with a big assist from his vast and famous family.
CNN: Talking baseball and politics with George W. Bush
Today's announcement that we are launching an online food offer... is another important step.
So, Plan B, " he said before launching into his song "The Best of Me.
CNN: Stars, fans say goodbye to George Jones at Grand Ole Opry
After recently launching a dark options trading platform, Instinet is setting its sights on futures.
How will VCs stay relevant when the cost of launching an Internet business asymptotically approaches "free"?
In March, the New York Times reported that location features would be launching in April.
FORBES: Facebook Location Features Confirmed And Coming Soon
In the coming days and weeks, I will be launching other aspects of the plan.