Part of this is born of necessity: American states are facing their worst budget deficits in decades, so there isn't much money to lavish on great projects.
None of these ships, even the most lavish on earth, offer nearly the facilities of the Four Seasons Bora Bora, yet some cost literally 20 times as much per person.
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They might be the warmest people in the world, who would lavish on their adopted child the sort of palpable love advertised in greeting cards and on the collars of stuffed puppies.
Lavish praise on the people who have helped you accomplish your own small part of the group enterprise.
Actors' salaries remain depressed, and indies have become expert at exploiting competition between states and countries, which lavish subsidies on them.
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Despite his captain's ringing endorsement, the 26-year-old refused to take all the plaudits, preferring instead to lavish praise on his fellow bowlers.
You might expect them to be living the high life of swanky penthouse suites, flashy sports cars, private jets, and lavish parties on the weekends.
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He did lavish attention on particular sheets, both those on which he worked out his most complex ideas and those he gave as presents to beloved friends.
Chastened, they rustled up 87 contracts, to build 10, 300 homes, which Mr Covas signed at a lavish ceremony on November 30th, while homeless groups protested outside his palace.
Whether critics lash out or lavish praise on the movie, they will expect to see film fans propel it to box office success as the latest in a billion-dollar franchise.
The flood of money that came to Cyprus got channeled toward the usual excesses: lavish homes on the southern coast, bank branches in the former Soviet bloc, Greek government bonds.
Well, Mr Osborne sees it the other way round - saying that Mr Carney had made an important choice to leave behind the even more lavish rewards on offer at Goldman.
It's easy to see why legions of loyalists lavish love on 24-year-old Tim Tebow, who leads his underdog Denver Broncos in a crucial playoff game against the New England Patriots on Saturday night.
The city's lavish spending on the expo is all the more striking given how lacklustre a brand World Expos (or World's Fairs as they are sometimes known) have become in the developed world.
The debate now raging in the Diet and within political parties, is not just about how to finance the costs of old age social programs, but also about the morality of allowing lavish spending on old people to create a burden for their children and grandchildren.
Like the European designers, he put on lavish shows featuring clothes that only models could wear.
And nothing new for even richer men to lavish a fortune on signature and-or vanity projects.
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They are also scaling back on lavish banquets and taking public transport to cut costs, the newspaper adds.
Microsoft even got Nik Nayar, Target's VP for merchandising, to lavish abundant praise on the device in its press release.
Besides, the Poles will argue, the commission's formula would lavish extra money on relatively rich countries, like the Czech Republic.
The powerful Russian mafia barons behind this booming illegal business lavish their money on flashy mansions in the region's capital, Dalnerechensk.
Governments, it is true, continue to lavish fine words on basic science.
She insists she didn't lavish those gifts on her 7-Eleven friends.
But he seemed to lavish special scorn on Mr Riordan's chances.
Readers of more ostentatiously literary fare may find relief in an artistic novel that does not lavish 25 pages on a trip to the post office.
Towa may need a lick of paint, but like rural communities all over Japan, it shows evidence of lavish government spending on projects designed to stimulate the economy.
No matter the cost: economies were buried in debt as real interest rates soared, millions were thrown out of work from firms strangled by tight money, and price controls kept farmers poor to lavish cheap food on city dwellers.
Lavish costumes are on display in the Dormitory of the Expeditionary Force, important Islamic relics are housed in the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms and fine examples of Ottoman calligraphy and portraiture are exhibited in the Quarters of Pages in Charge of the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms.
It is a collection of photos found on Instagram that capture young wealthy people enjoying a life of minimally employed opulence: They're on lavish vacations, taking the most expensive modes of transportation, showing off designer belongings and doing all manner of things with and to champagne.