My attention was drawn to this market by a review at the Feminist Law Professors Blog on the newest book in the gamete-trade, Sex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm.
The story goes that Andy's mother-in-law created a "little green book" over the years, which had her list of top service providers in Seattle.
The debate takes another twist with a new book by John Lott, a fellow in law and economics at the University of Chicago.
The study was published in book form in 2004, and also formed the basis of a 2010 book on liability in international humanitarian law.
The Law Commission, which tidies up the statute book, is planning a consultation paper in the first half of next year.
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Throughout, he includes fascinating, little-known tidbits relating to the law or lawgiver, and he provides cross-references to other laws or equations mentioned in the book.
Freedom of expression was also a topic for Lewis in his 1991 book, "Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment, " about a 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision that protected news organizations from some libel suits.
Dan Recer, author of the book How to Disinherit Your Son-in-Law and Stiff the IRS--Keep Your Money in Your Family.
In that book he examined Japanese society through the lens of law.
Sayyad Fadhil Milani, spiritual leader at the Al-Khoei Centre in Brent, north-west London, is widely regarded as the UK's most senior Shia Islamic scholar and has written about the mut'ah marriage in his book Islamic Family Law.
What is written in the statute book is not necessarily an indication of how the law will be applied, however.
ECONOMIST: A little guidance on when the law will be strictly applied
Graetz (a Treasury official under the first President Bush and now a professor at Columbia Law School) in his book, 100 Million Unnecessary Returns.
In July, a leading British book publisher warned of the 'chilling effect' the law would have on journalism, after a judge rejected its defence of qualified privilege in a libel action brought by a former police officer.
That evidence comes in the form of a book called Reliance of the Traveler: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law .
The Supreme Court's judgment is expected in a few months, probably around the time that the Law Commission, a body that tidies up the statute book, comes out with its own proposals for change.